Michigan Department of Transportation
Transportation Management Plans (Presentation)
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Contact Information: WorkZoneFeedback@dot.gov
Slide 1. Work Zone Safety and Mobility
Transportation Management Plans
Jason Gutting, P.E.
Michigan Department of Transportation
Slide 2. TMP Process
- Work Zone Safety and Mobility Policy
- Developed by cross sectional team
- Planners, Traffic and Safety, Development, Communications, etc.
- Effective September 1, 2007
- Guidance Document
- Applies to all MDOT work zones (construction, maintenance, permits/utilities)
- Developed by cross sectional team
- Work Zone Safety and Mobility Manual
- Roles, responsibilities, strategies, etc.
- TMP process created while preparing the manual
Slide 3. TMP Contents
- Transportation Management Plans (TMP)
- Required on all projects
- Temporary Traffic Control Plan (TTCP)
- Transportation Operations Plan (TOP)
- Public Information Plan (PIP)
- Significant Project
- TTCP, TOP and PIP Required
- Non-Significant Project
- TTCP Required
- TOP and PIP Recommended
Slide 4. TMP Development
- TMP development begins in the project planning and scoping phase
- Involves planning and design staff
- Incorporates big picture issues
- Further details as project progresses
- Allows more accurate programming and budgets
- Maintaining traffic schemes (Temporary structure for maintaining traffic, crossovers, etc.)
- Temporary ITS applications
- Coordination with corridor and network projects
Slide 5. TMP Development
- Project Design Phase
- Details flushed out
- Primary TMP development occurs during this stage in parallel with plan completion
- Project delivery staff are engaged for better coordination and constructability reviews
- Pay items are incorporated into the project plans and specifications
- Special provisions are documented for project specific and/or unique issues
Slide 6. TMP Development
- Statewide Peer Review Team (SPRT)
- Mobility analysis and thresholds
- Travel Time
- Level of Service
- Volume to Capacity Ratio
- Project Rating system
- Review Form
- Red, Yellow, Green
- Executive level engagement
- Benefits
- Check and balance for mobility issues
- Feedback from other areas
- Statewide Work Zone Administrator provides consistency
- Staff have been very receptive of this review
- Mobility analysis and thresholds
Slide 7. TMP Implementation
- Responsibility of project delivery staff
- Strategy implementation
- Changes, variations, etc. provided to development staff
Slide 8. TMP Implementation
- Performance
- Performance monitoring
- Worksite trailers
- Travel time
- Queues
- Cameras / Detectors
- Crashes
- How much did accidents decrease because of mitigation measures and comparable projects
- Did accident severity decrease
- Measurements versus expectations
- How did actual measured delay compare with expected delay (travel time, queues)
- Project documentation
- Performance monitoring
Slide 9. TMP Lessons Learned
- A TMP template was created to assist project development staff with TMP submittals
- Uniformity
- Critical Focus Area
- TMP reviews are now conducted as needed versus at pre-determined dates
- Less Time Crunch
- Better Quality
- Better Use of Staff Resources
- Faster Response for Project Offices
Slide 10. TMP Lessons Learned
- Public involvement in the TMP development is critical
- Crash Analysis
- Accurate Traffic Data
Slide 11. Work Zone Safety and Mobility Manual
- MDOT's Work Zone Safety and Mobility Manual can be found at the following link. TMP information can be found in Chapter 4
- http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdot/MDOT_WorkZoneSafetyAndMobilityManual_233891_7.pdf (815 KB)
- MDOT's Work Zone Safety and Mobility Policy is not available on-line but the document can be electronically provided if requested
- Contact Jason Gutting, P.E., Systems Operations and Management Engineer, guttingj@michigan.gov, 517-636-0463
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