Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Washington State Department of Transportation Statewide ESS Procurement


In 2000, the Washington State DOT approved the demonstration proposal of a vendor on using NTCIP-conformant Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS) and started using NTCIP on future procurements. Prior to the project, the DOT's central system only supported RWIS stations provided by a single vendor using its own proprietary protocol. In order to support the NTCIP, the DOT first upgraded their existing weather monitoring system to include the NTCIP device driver. The system still uses a proprietary protocol to communicate with the older stations. The DOT later released an Invitation of Bids for the procurement of NTCIP-conformant ESS equipment. A separate contractor installed the equipment. The system was integrated easily and the project was a successful experience for both the DOT and the vendor.


AASHTO, ITE and NEMA; Case Study Report NTCIP 9009 v01.05

Date: 2004




Environmental sensor station (ESS)
Road weather information system (RWIS)

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Office of Operations