Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Test and Validation of a Model for Forecasting Frost on Bridges


Frost frequently forms on roads and bridges during winters when the pavement temperature is at or below 273 K and below the dew-point temperature. Accurate forecasts of frost onset times, frost intensity, and frost disappearance help roadway maintenance personnel decide when, where, and how much frost-suppression chemicals should be used. A finite-difference program has been developed that predicts bridge surface temperature by simulating vertical heat transfer in a bridge in response to evolving weather conditions. A vapor flux calculation uses the bridge surface temperature and concurrent meteorological variables from a weather forecast model to produce forecasts of depth of frost deposited, melted, or sublimed. Comparisons of model results with measured surface temperatures from a RWIS station have demonstrated that the model realistically represents early-morning low temperatures and temperature trends when run with input from current observations.


Iowa State University, Prepared for Minnesota DOT

Date: 2005


Takle, Greenfield


Pavement temperature
Pavement condition

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Office of Operations