Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


A Simple Approach for using CCTV Road Images to Provide Poor-Visibility Information


In this study, Visibility Scale (VS) is calculated from the Weighted Intensity of Power Spectrum (WIPS) developed by Hagiwara et al. The study objectives were (1) to understand whether there is difference among people's estimations of visibility from road images, and (2) to determine whether there is a correlation between visibilities estimated by people from road images and that expressed by VS. For daytime images, the assessments had little difference among subjects and they correlated closely with VS. For nighttime images, the assessments had little difference among subjects but they did not correlate closely with VS. To determine the best way of providing VS information, subjects' understanding of that information given according to various provision media (text, umerical rank, symbol) was assessed. Researchers concluded that daytime road images recorded by CCTV camera can be used to estimate visibility.


85th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting; Hokkaido Development Engineering Center, Hokkaido University, Japan Weather Association and Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau (Japan). For an electronic copy of this resource, please direct your request to

Date: 2006


Nagata, et al


Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

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Office of Operations