Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Expected Flood Damages to Transportation Infrastructures as a Proportion of Total Event Costs: A Methodological Exploration


The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) operates a variety of facilities throughout the whole of the Tennessee River watershed through which it affects the flows of both navigable and non-navigable waterways. Experience suggests that the proportion of total event damages attributable to transportation infrastructure destruction may vary significantly based on the characteristics of individual floods. Specifically, floods that involve significant flows damage both transportation infrastructures and other structures. The relationship between flood characteristics and damages to transportation infrastructure is also important to residents of West Virginia. In both locations the possible variations in flows may lead to a wide array of outcomes with regard to transportation infrastructure damages. Within this context and with the overall aim of improving a priori flood damage assessment, the Rahall Transportation Institute (RTI) and the TVA propose a joint study effort designed to improve the estimation of transportation infrastructure damages as a proportion of total event costs.


Marshall University, Rahall Appalachian Transportation Institute; Prepared for the Tennessee Valley Authority

Date: 2003


Hicks, Burton



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Office of Operations