Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Economic Evaluation of Advanced Winter Highway Maintenance Strategies


This paper examines the potential benefits of applying advanced winter highway maintenance strategies. The Vermont Agency of Transportation conducted "Smart Salting," a study of de-icing salt effectiveness at different pavement temperatures. A recommended salt application curve was developed. As the pavement temperature goes down, it takes more salt to melt the ice. Iowa DOT snow removal and material costs were used to calculate the theoretical differential cost using the Vermont Study's recommendations and comparing to actual practice. A savings in materials exists when the Vermont Study material application rate curve is used for pavement temperatures above 25°F. Iowa DOT weather and pavement forecast verification reports were reviewed. The reports consisted of scenario-based questioning, and focused on cost savings and losses. The report calculations did reveal a loss for the 1996-1997 winter season, but preliminary figures for the 1997-1998 winter season are anticipating savings.


1998 Transportation Conference Proceedings

Date: 1998


Smith, Zogg


Pavement temperature

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Office of Operations