Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Changeable Message Sign Operation and Messaging Handbook


This handbook is written for personnel in state, regional, and local transportation agencies that have responsibility for the operation of and/or message design for large permanent changeable message signs (CMSs) or portable CMSs. The Handbook is designed to help both new and experienced users of CMSs at various levels of the agency. The handbook contains the following ten modules: 1) Introduction; 2) Overview of CMS Applications, Issues, and Message Design Operations; 3) CMS Operations Policies; 4) CMS Operating Fundamentals; 5) Principles of CMS Message Design; 6) Dealing with Long Messages; 7) Establishing the Maximum Message Length; 8) Formatting Messages; 9) Dynamic Features on CMSs; 10) CMS Operations Procedures and Guidelines; and 11) CMS Message Design Process. CMS maybe used to display adverse weather, environmental, or roadway conditions downstream that may impact driver visibility and safety, or advise motorists of specific regulations due to the weather or roadway conditions.


FHWA Office of Travel Management, Prepared by the Texas Transportation Institute, Publication No. FHWA-OP-03-070

Date: 2004




Weather information
Traveler information
Motorist warning system

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Office of Operations