Work Zone News

Case Study of Pennsylvania’s Work Zone Speed Safety Camera Program - 1/17/2025
This case study presents experiences and lessons learned from Pennsylvania's work zone Speed Safety Cameras pilot and program (referred to as the...
Model Evaluation Plan for Work Zone Speed Safety Cameras - 1/16/2025
A Speed Safety Cameras (SSC) evaluation plan provides a structure for examining the SSC program’s progress toward achieving the program goals. Regular...
Case Study of New York State’s Work Zone Speed Safety Camera Program - 1/15/2025
This case study presents the experiences and lessons learned, to date, from the New York State work zone SSC program (also referred to as the Automated...
Speed Safety Camera Program and Planning Operations Guide: An Overview - 8/2/2024
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) published the Speed Safety Camera Program...
Checklist for Implementing Work Zone Speed Safety Cameras - 8/2/2024
This checklist, based on the Speed Safety Camera Program Planning and Operations Guide, provides a high-level list of steps and considerations...
Improving Commercial Motor Vehicles’ Ability to Navigate Work Zone Lane Shifts - 6/17/2024
This Fact Sheet shares information on INDOT’s method to improve CMV drivers navigate through work zone lane shifts more easily.
Innovative Highway Project Delivery Methods: Safety Contingency Funding Factsheet - 4/26/2024
This factsheet explores the use of a safety contingency funding approach to address the work zone safety issues quickly and efficiently.
FHWA’s 2024 National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) Factsheet - 4/12/2024
On April 16, the Maryland Department of Transportation will host the national kick-off event the I-70 overpass overlooking I-695 in Baltimore County.
Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Safety in Work Zones Targeted Action Plan - 10/26/2023
This report is centered on specific voluntary actions that can be taken by transportation agencies and other stakeholders to address CMV safety in work...
Providing In-Cab, Traffic-Related Warning Messages To Commercial Motor Vehicles - 8/16/2023
This fact sheet provides information on NCDOT’s program to share real time traffic-related warning messages.
Identification of National Work Zone Safety Objectives and Activities: Summary Report - 5/25/2023
This summary report documents the results of an effort to develop a list of needs, objectives, and activities for enhancing safety in and around work...
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