Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program

Course Wrap-Up and Post Course Assessment

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Course Wrap-Up and Post Course Assessment

Photo of a person's hand holding a pencil over a test answer sheet.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

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The course wrap-up section includes a general exercise to use your new skills by applying your knowledge to real world problems. A post-test is also included to help you assess how well you understand the material that was presented.

If you have feedback on the course and your learning experience, instructions on how to provide that are included at the end.

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General Exercise Questions

Turn to page 198 in the Participant Workbook for the exercise

  1. The construction scenario presented is estimated to have significant delays during the morning peak in the Southwest bound (SWB) direction. What are possible strategies to implement to manage the impacts?
  2. A major crash occurs on New York Avenue SWB at 6:00 a.m. All SWB lanes are closed and not expected to reopen until 9:00 a.m. What are possible strategies that need to be in place to manage the impacts?

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Now that you have completed the course please turn to page 198 in Appendix C in the Participant Workbook. After reading the exercise, please answer the questions on this slide.

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General Exercise Discussion

Turn to page 210 in the Participant Workbook for a discussion of the answers

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Once you have completed answering the questions, turn to page 210 in the Participant Workbook for a discussion of the exercise answers.

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Post Course Assessment

  • Contains 16 questions
  • Will receive score at the end but it will not be submitted to anyone or stored for future use
  • Some questions allow multiple answers
  • Correct answers to questions can be found at the end by selecting the Review Quiz button
  • Quiz can also be found on page 183 in the Participant Workbook

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This Post Course Assessment contains 16 questions. The Assessment is for your own benefit. You will receive a score at the end. Your score will not be submitted to anyone or stored for future access.

Some questions have multiple answers, so be sure to select all the correct answers. You can find the correct answers to all the questions by clicking on the Review Quiz button at the end of the assessment.

If you prefer to take this assessment on paper, it can be found in the Participant Workbook on page 183.

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1. What are the primary components of the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule?

checkbox A) Work Zone Safety and Mobility Policy

checkbox B) Processes and procedures to implement work zone policy

checkbox C) Project-level procedures to assess and manage impacts on individual projects

checkbox D) Use of law enforcement in work zones

Multiple Answers Allowed

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slide 6

2. The Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule requires that a Transportation Management Plan (TMP) be developed for _____?

checkbox A) Projects with a budget of more than $100 million

checkbox B) Interstate projects only

checkbox C) Federal-aid projects

checkbox D) All projects with lane closures

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slide 7

3. Which component(s) of the TMP is/are always required?

checkbox A) Temporary Traffic Control Plan

checkbox B) Transportation Operations Plan

checkbox C) Public Information and Outreach Plan

checkbox D) Incident Management Plan

Multiple Answers Allowed

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slide 8

4. A significant project is one that has the potential to cause a relatively high level of disruption.

checkbox A) True

checkbox B) False

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slide 9

5. Which of the following is/are a required component(s) of the TMP for significant projects?

checkbox A) Temporary Traffic Control Plans

checkbox B) Transportation Operations Plans

checkbox C) Public Information and Outreach Plans

checkbox D) Incident Management Plans

Multiple Answers Allowed

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slide 10

6. FHWA requires a specific format for all TMPs.

checkbox A) True

checkbox B) False

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slide 11

7. The TMP should always be paid for:

checkbox A) As a single pay item in the construction contract

checkbox B) As an incidental item and not paid for separately

checkbox C) As a separate pay item for every strategy

checkbox D) None of the above

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slide 12

8. When in TMP development should coordination with key stakeholders occur?

checkbox A) During the preliminary engineering phase

checkbox B) During the design phase

checkbox C) During the construction phase

checkbox D) All of the above

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slide 13

9. Traffic analysis tools are used to

checkbox A) Quantify corridor delay resulting from capacity decreases in work zones

checkbox B) Support tradeoff analyses between construction costs and delay costs

checkbox C) Identify safety impacts of alternative project phasing plans

checkbox D) Assess travel demand measures and other delay mitigation strategies

Multiple Answers Allowed

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slide 14

10. When should the work zone impacts assessment process start?

checkbox A) During early scoping stages of the project

checkbox B) During preliminary project design stages

checkbox C) During final project design stages

checkbox D) None of the above

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slide 15

11. During construction, pedestrian and bicycle access should be maintained to a similar level as that existing prior to construction.

checkbox A) True

checkbox B) False

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slide 16

12. Which among the following is a Transportation Operations strategy?

checkbox A) Alternate construction phasing/staging

checkbox B) Transit incentives

checkbox C) Signal timing/coordination improvements

checkbox D) Press releases about the project

Multiple Answers Allowed

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slide 17

13. Public information provided during a project should always be:

checkbox A) Timely, Low-Cost, and Consistent

checkbox B) Accurate, Timely, and Consistent

checkbox C) Accurate, Consistent, and Web-based

checkbox D) Accurate, Consistent, and Real-time

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slide 18

14. Who should designate a trained, responsible person at the project level to implement and monitor the TMP elements?

checkbox A) State Agency only

checkbox B) Contractor only

checkbox C) Both State Agency and Contractor

checkbox D) None of the above

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slide 19

15. Which of the following is a benefit of TMP monitoring during construction?

checkbox A) A TMP is a static document and should not be monitored during construction.

checkbox B) Determine if TMPs on future similar projects are not needed.

checkbox C) Protect against litigation.

checkbox D) Determine elements to include/correct in future TMPs.

Multiple Answers Allowed

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slide 20

16. A Contractor can make changes to a TMP on its own.

checkbox A) True

checkbox B) False

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Your Score {score}
Max Score {max-score}
Number of Quiz Attempts  {total-attempts}

Question Feedback/Review Information Will Appear Here


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Post Course Assessment

For additional discussion of the Post Course Assessment answers, please refer to page 211 in the Participant Workbook

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For additional discussion of the Post Course Assessment answers, please refer to page 211 in the Participant Workbook. The discussion in the workbook includes references to where these topics are covered in the course materials.

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Course Feedback

  • To provide feedback about the course – comments, suggestions, corrections:
    • Note the workbook page, or module and slide number
    • Email this information and your feedback to

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Thank you for completing the Developing Transportation Management Plans for Work Zones self-paced training course.

We have taken careful measures to assure that this material is error-free. However, in the event that you find something wrong or unclear, or wish to provide other feedback on the course, please make a note of relevant workbook page, or module and slide number and email this information and your feedback to

Office of Operations