Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Three Levels of Transportation Management Plans (TMPs)

As a result of the 10-year, $3 billion Oregon Transportation Investment Act (OTIA), a significant period of construction began in Oregon to repair/replace hundreds of bridges, pave and maintain city/county roads, improve/expand interchanges, add new capacity to highways, and remove freight bottlenecks. Keeping traffic and freight moving during this time was a priority, so the Oregon DOT (ODOT) instituted a statewide traffic mobility program to forecast, manage, and track potential mobility conflicts, resolve issues, and coordinate efforts. In June 2007, Randal Thomas, ODOT Statewide Traffic Mobility Manager, gave a presentation about the OTIA program and ODOT's new approach during an FHWA "Talking Freight" webinar. He said that in the past ODOT designed projects, then looked at traffic control, and then went to bid for construction. With the new approach, ODOT is considering mobility constraints up front, as it does for environmental issues. This way ODOT can design for issues, detours, and mobility. The webinar recording, transcript, and presentation are available on the Talking Freight Archive Web site (scroll down to the June 20 links).

ODOT is focusing on identifying and addressing mobility issues prior to and during the design phase and through the development and implementation of TMPs. The goal of the TMPs is to address the traffic-related impacts of construction projects in a cost-effective, timely manner with minimal interference to the traveling public through the effective application of traditional and innovative traffic mitigation strategies. The ODOT TMPs are organized into three levels:

  • Program-Level TMP. Addresses traffic management at a high level and serves as the framework for Corridor-Level TMPs. It also addresses how the program-level functions will be performed for the duration of the program.
  • Corridor-Level TMP. Developed for specific key freight and travel routes and address corridor management (including communication, coordination, and implementation), bridge construction scheduling and staging, and work zone traffic operations strategies at the corridor level. The primary purpose of Corridor-Level TMPs is to serve as the framework for corridor management, not to address all of the specific activities that may be required during the course of a project. Such activities are addressed within the Project-Level TMPs. The Corridor-Level TMPs define delay thresholds for each corridor. These thresholds apply to all projects combined in the corridor. Project and corridor delay are estimated using ODOT's work zone analysis tool. The calculated delay thresholds are an attempt to quantify the maximum delay that would be considered tolerable by the traveling public as a result of construction activities throughout the corridor. If the corridor delay threshold would be exceeded, a review of project schedules, staging, and traffic management strategies (like public information) will be conducted to determine if, and at what cost, the delays associated with the projects can be reduced. More information about delay thresholds is available in Chapter 6 of the ODOT Highway Mobility Operations Manual (PDF 2.24MB).
  • Project-Level TMP. Corresponds with the TMP required by the Work Zone Rule. A Project-Level TMP, used for either single projects or coordination of multiple projects within a given area, provides the details behind the development of the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) and other measures that will be put in place to address the traffic-related impacts of construction projects. The TMP addresses traffic management for each project or group of inter-related projects and includes decisions made regarding TCP design, construction staging, traffic/freight mitigation, public information, and other factors.

Corridor-Level TMPs have been developed for each of six corridors identified as part of the OTIA program. While these TMPs are broader in scope than the Project-Level TMPs that are required by the Work Zone Rule, they do contain similar components and serve as useful examples.

  • Traffic Management Plan - I-5 North / OR 58 Corridor
  • Traffic Management Plan - I-5 South Corridor
  • Traffic Management Plan - I-84 Corridor (PDF 391KB)
  • Traffic Management Plan - US 26 / US 97 Corridor
  • Traffic Management Plan - Coastal Network (PDF 7.85MB) - covers both the North and South Coastal Corridors

ODOT has also developed guidance on developing Project-Level TMPs and Traffic Control Plans.

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  Last modified: October 6, 2022