Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Applying Archived Operations Data in Transportation Planning: A Primer

List of Acronyms

AADT annual average daily traffic
ABS antilock braking system
ALPR automatic license plate recognition
ATDM active transportation and demand management
ATMS advanced transportation management system
AVL automated vehicle location
ADOT Arizona Department of Transportation
CAD computer-aided dispatch
CCTV closed circuit television
CDTC Capital District Transportation Committee
CHART Coordinated Highways Action Response Team
CMP congestion management process
DMS dynamic message sign
DOT department of transportation
DVRPC Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
FAST Fixing America's Surface Transportation
FDOT Florida Department of Transportation
FFS free flow speed
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FMS freeway management system
GDOT Georgia Department of Transportation
GPS Global Positioning System
HAR highway advisory radio
HCM Highway Capacity Manual
HPMS Highway Performance Management System
HOV high-occupancy vehicle
I-TMS Internet-Traffic Monitoring System
ICM integrated corridor management
iPEMS Iteris Performance Measurement System
IT information technology
ITS intelligent transportation systems
LRTP long-range transportation plan
MAG Maricopa Association of Governments
MATOC Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination
MIST Management Information System for Transportation
MPH miles per hour
MPO metropolitan planning organization
MSTM Maryland Statewide Transportation Model
MWCOG Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
NHS National Highway System
NJDOT New Jersey Department of Transportation
NPMRDS National Performance Measures Research Data Set
O-D origin-destination
ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation
PCPHPL passenger cars per hour per lane
PeMS Performance Measurement System
PHV peak-hour volumes
POMT Port of Miami Tunnel
PORTAL Portland Oregon Regional Transportation Archive Listing
PSU Portland State University
PTI planning time index
QC quality control
RFP request for proposal
RITIS Regional Integrated Transportation Information Systems
ROI return on investment
RTMS remote traffic microwave sensors
RWIS road weather information systems
SHA State Highway Administration
SHRP 2 Strategic Highway Research Program 2
TDF travel demand forecasting
TMC transportation management center
TTI travel time index
UMD University of Maryland
VMT vehicle-miles of travel
VPP Vehicle Probe Project
WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation
Office of Operations