Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Truck Parking Facilities

This program was sunset with MAP-21 and is no longer active.

Section 1305 of SAFETEA-LU (PL 109-59) established the Truck Parking Facilities Pilot Program, program designed by Congress to address the shortage of long-term parking for commercial motor vehicles on the National Highway System (NHS). SAFETEA-LU authorized $25M for this new pilot program. In July, 2008, the first two awards were made under the program to two large-scale ITS based projects: one in California on I-5 and on a segment of I-95 including seven states from Connecticut to North Carolina on the East Coast. Another five projects were funded as part of the second round of awards made under the program in FY10: a project on I-15 in Utah, on I-10 in Mississippi, on I-5 in Oregon, a statewide project in Tennessee and on a segment of I-81 in the Harrisburg area in Pennsylvania. A Federal Register Notice soliciting applications was issued in the Fall of 2010 leading to awards for projects on I-94 in Michigan (MI) and on I-94 in Minnesota (MN). A broad FHWA solicitation for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Discretionary Programs was conducted in FY 2011 leading to the award of funds to a project in South Florida off I-595, a project on I-70 in Indiana, a project of I-70 in Missouri, a project on I-15 in Utah, a project on I-81 in West Virginia and a project on I-80 in Wyoming.

In November of 2011, FHWA solicited applications for 12 Discretionary Programs including the Truck Parking Facilities Program. In response to this solicitation, 23 applications were received requesting over $47.7 million in funding. The review process has been completed and recommendations for funding awards have been developed and are advancing through FHWA/USDOT approval process. Approximately $5.3 million is available to support awards in support of the solicitation.

The recently enacted Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) PL 112-141 discontinued the Truck Parking Facilities Program as a Discretionary and, rather, included the activities that had been eligible for funding under the Discretionary Program as activities eligible for funding under certain "Core Programs" (for example, Surface Transportation Program and Highway Safety Improvement Program).

For further information:

Contact Information

Jeff Purdy
Jeff Purdy

Tom Kearney
Truck Parking Project Manager

  Last modified: July 27, 2023  
Office of Operations