Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Appendix B: Summary of State Exceptions to Federal Truck Weight Limits

The table below is a summary of State exceptions to Federal truck weight limits. For additional details see 23 CFR Part 658, Appendix C.

State Maximum GVW178 Maximum Axle Weights Applicable Highway Routes From To
1. Alaska No highways subject to Interstate system weight limits – all weight limits determined by State weight formula No highways subject to Interstate system weight limits – all weight limits determined by State weight formula AK-1 (turnpike doubles) Anchorage Palmer
AK-2 (turnpike doubles) Fairbanks Delta Jct.
AK-3 (turnpike doubles) Jct. AK-1 Fairbanks
AK-1 (triples) Anchorage Jct. AK-3
AK-3 (triples) Jct. AK-1 Fairbanks
2. Arizona 129,000 lbs. Single:  20,000 lbs.
Tandem:  34,000 Lbs.
I-15 Nevada Utah
US-89 20 miles S. of Utah Utah
US-160 US-163 New Mexico
US-163 US-160 Utah
3. Colorado 110,000 lbs. Single:  20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 36,000 lbs.
I-25 New Mexico Wyoming
I-70 Utah I-70 Exit 90
I-70 I-70 Exit 259 Kansas
I-76 Jct. I-70 Nebraska
I-225 Jct. I-25 Jct. I-70
I-270 Jct. I-76 Jct. I-70
4. Connecticut 80,000 lbs. Single:  22,400 lbs.
Tandem: 36,000 lbs.
- - -
5. District of Columbia 80,000 lbs. Single: 22,000 lbs.
Tandem: 38,000 lbs.
Grandfather Right 1974 (see State profile) - -
6. Florida 147,000 lbs. Single: 22,000 lbs.
Tandem: 44,000 lbs.
Florida Turnpike only - -
7. Georgia 80,000 lbs. Single: 20,340 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
Grandfather Right 1974 (see State profile) - -
8. Hawaii 88,000 lbs. Single: 22,500 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
All NN routes except HI-95 from H-1 to Barbers Point Harbor - -
9. Idaho 105,500 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
All NN Routes - -
10. Indiana 127,400 lbs. Single: 22,400 lbs.
Tandem: 36,000 lbs.
I-80/90 (IN Toll Road) Toll Gate 21 Ohio
I-90 (IN Toll Road) Illinois Toll Gate 21
11. Iowa 129,000/
95,000 lbs.179
N/A LCV combinations may operate on all Interstate System routes in Sioux City and its commercial zone.180 - -
12. Kansas 120,000 lbs. Single: 22,000 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
I-35 KS Turnpike Authority (KTA) Oklahoma KTA Exit 127
I-70 KTA KTA Exit 182 KTA Exit 223
I-335 KTA KTA Exit 127 KTA Exit 177
I-470 KTA KTA Exit 177 KTA Exit 182
13. Maine 100,000 lbs. Single: 22,400 lbs.
Tandem: 41,000 lbs.
All Interstate Highways Maximum and axle load limits vary by vehicle configuration; see profile for additional details. Maximum and axle load limits vary by vehicle configuration; see profile for additional details.
14. Maryland 80,000 lbs.181 Single: 22,400
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
All Interstate Highways Single axle exemption only if the registered GVW is less than 73,000 Single axle exemption only if the registered GVW is less than 73,000
N/A N/A I-68 In Garrett and Allegany Counties In Garrett and Allegany Counties
15.Massachusetts 127,400 lbs. Single: 22,400 lbs.
Tandem: 36,000 lbs.
I-90 Mass Turnpike Authority New York State Turnpike Exit 18 Boston
16. Michigan 164,000 lbs. Single: 18,000 lbs.
Tandem: 32,000 lbs.182
All Interstate routes & designated State highways - -
17. Missouri 120,000/90,000 lbs.183 N/A All NN routes within a 20-mile band of Kansas and Oklahoma borders - -
18. Montana 137,800/
131,060 lbs.184
Single: 20,000 lbs. Cargo-carrying length 88-93 feet: Interstate system - -
Tandem: 34,000 lbs. (37,500 MT/AB MOU) Cargo-carrying length 88 feet or less: All NN routes except U.S.-87 from MP79.3 to 82.5 - -
- Montana/Alberta MOU: I-15 from the border to Shelby - -
19. Nebraska 95,000 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs. Length of 65-71.5 feet: All non-Interstate NN routes - -
Tandem: 34,000 lbs. Above 71.5 feet: I-80 between Wyoming State line and Exit 440 - -
20. Nevada 129,000 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
All NN routes, except U.S.-93 from Nevada State route 500 to Arizona - -
21. New Hampshire 103,000 lbs. Single: 22,400 lbs.
Tandem: 36,000lbs
Grandfather Right 1974 (see State profile) - -
22. New Jersey 80,000 lbs. Single: 22, 400 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
Grandfather Right 1974 (see State profile) - -
23. New Mexico 86,400 lbs. Single: 21,600 lbs.
Tandem: 34,200 lbs.
All Interstate highways - -
24. New York185 143,000 lbs. Varies by number of axles and configuration  I-87 (NY Thruway) Bronx/Westchester County Line Thruway Exit 24
I-90 (NY Thruway) Pennsylvania Thruway Exit 24
I-90 (NY Thruway) Thruway Exit B1 Massachusetts
I-190 (NY Thruway) Thruway Exit 53 Int'l Border with Canada
NY-912M  Thruway Exit 21A Thruway Exit B1
25. North Carolina 80,000 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 38,000 lbs.
Grandfather 1956 (see State profile) - -
26. North Dakota 105,500 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
All NN Routes - -
27. Ohio 127,400/
115,000 lbs.186
Single: 21,000 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
I-76 (Ohio Turnpike) Turnpike Exit 15 Pennsylvania
I-80 (Ohio Turnpike) Turnpike Exit 8A Turnpike Exit 15
I-80/90 (Ohio Turnpike) Indiana Turnpike Exit 8A
OH-7187 Turnpike Exit 16 Extending 1 mile south
28. Oklahoma 90,000 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs. Doubles with 29-foot trailers may use any route on the NN - -
Tandem: 34,000 lbs. Doubles with trailers over 29-feet are limited to the Interstate highway and a number of route segments188 - -
29. Oregon 105,500 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs. Truck tractor and two trailing units: all NN routes - -
Tandem: 34,000 lbs. Truck tractor and three trailing units: limited to specific segments189 - -
30. Pennsylvania 80,000 lbs. Varies by configuration see State profile  I-99 Bedford Bald Eagle
31. Rhode Island 80,000 lbs. Single: 22,400 lbs.
Tandem: 44,800 lbs.
- - -
32. South Carolina 80,000 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 35,200 lbs.
- - -
33. South Dakota 129,000 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
US-14 W Jct. US-14 Bypass and US-14 Brookings So. Jct. U.S. 14 and US-281
Bypass US-14 I-29 Exit 133 W Jct. US-14 Bypass and US-14 Brookings
US-85 I-90 Exit 10 North Dakota
US-281 I-90 Exit 310 So. Jct. US 14 and US-281
US-281 8th Ave Aberdeen North Dakota
SD-50 Burleigh Street Yankton I-29 Exit 26
34. Utah 129,000 Lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
I-15 Arizona Idaho
I-70 Jct I-15 Colorado
I-80 Nevada Wyoming
I-84 Idaho Jct I-80
I-215 Entire length in Salt Lake City Area -
UT-201 I-80 Exit 102 Lake Point Jct 300 West St Salt Lake City
35. Vermont 80,000 lbs. Single: 22,400 lbs.
Tandem: 36,000 lbs.
State limits can apply to Interstate System - -
36. Washington 105,500 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 34,000 lbs.
All NN routes except SR 410 and SR123 near Mt Rainer National Park - -
37. Wisconsin Varies by commodity – see State profile for more information Varies by commodity – see State profile for more information I-39 I- 94 near Portage to SR-29 south of Wausau -
38. Wyoming 117,000 lbs. Single: 20,000 lbs.
Tandem: 36,000 lbs.
All NN routes - -

178 Subject to the Federal Bridge Formula requirements [ Return to note 178. ]

179 129,000 lbs. when entering Sioux City from South Dakota or South Dakota from Sioux City. 95,000 lbs. when entering Sioux City from Nebraska or Nebraska from Sioux City. [ Return to note 179. ]

180 49 U.S. Code § 31112. [ Return to note 180. ]

181 Maryland has two grandfather provisions. In addition to higher single axle loads, 4-axle trucks hauling certain commodities on I-68 are exempt from the Federal bridge formula, single axle limits and tandem axle limits. [ Return to note 181. ]

182 Tandem axle weight limit is 16,000 lbs. per axle for the first tandem, and 13,000 lbs. per axle for all others. [ Return to note 182. ]

183 120,000 lbs. when entering from Kansas, 90,000 lbs. when entering from Oklahoma. [ Return to note 183. ]

184 137,800 for vehicles operating under the Montana/Alberta Memorandum of Understanding, 131,060 for all other LCV Combinations. [ Return to note 184. ]

185 Tandem Trailer combinations in which neither trailing unit exceeds 28.5 feet may operate on all NN Highways. [ Return to note 185. ]

186 LCVs with truck tractor and two trailing units: 127,400 lbs., LCVs with truck tractor and three trailing units: 115,000 lbs. [ Return to note 186. ]

187 Applicable to truck tractor and three trailing units. [ Return to note 187. ]

188 45 separate Oklahoma highway segments are listed in 23 CFR 658, Appendix C. [ Return to note 188. ]

189 45 separate Oregon highway segments are listed in 23 CFR 658, Appendix C. [ Return to note 189. ]

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  Last modified: February 1, 2017  
Office of Operations