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National Coalition on Truck Parking: State, Regional, Local Government Coordination Group - How to Improve Truck Parking in Your Region

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United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

State, Regional, Local Government Coordination Working Group

A guide for those in the trucking industry on how to get involved with a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)—a regional transportation planning agency—to improve truck parking.

Freight trucks parked in a truck parking lot.

What is a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)?

MPOs are regional transportation planning agencies, made up of representatives from local governments and transportation authorities. Under Federal law, any urbanized area with a population greater than 50,000 must have an MPO (See 23 U.S.C. 134(d).).

MPOs are required to produce their region's Long Range Transportation Plans and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Programs, which influence decision making on transportation projects using Federal funds. (See 23 U.S.C. 134(c), (i), and (j).)

Who Makes Decisions at MPOs?

MPOs have a decision making structure that incorporates input from local elected officials, officials of public transportation agencies, and appropriate State officials. An example of the MPO input process can be seen in Figure 1.

MPO Representation graphic showing that an MPO receives input from interest groups, elected officials, state and local agencies, county and regional agencies, transit operators, the public, Federal agencies, and the private sector.

Figure 1: MPO Representation.
Adapted from

With most MPOs, the governing body appoints a technical committee that, along with its subcommittees, makes key transportation recommendations for the MPO region. Figure 2 is an example of the decision making process.

MPO decision making flowchart: the top level is MPO Policy Board, with a lateral relationship with Executive/Management Committee. It oversees three subcommittees: Citizen's Advisory Committee, Technical Committee, Other Special Standing and Ad Hoc Committees. These subcommittees oversee the MPO Professional Staff.

Figure 2: Decision making process.
Adapted from

How To Get Involved in MPOs

Public participation is a key component of the transportation planning process. You can get involved by reaching out to your MPO or your MPO's freight committee to provide feedback on how to improve truck parking or other truck driving issues. Involvement can be where you live or in an area where you frequently haul into or out of. Either way your knowledge would be valuable.

What is an MPO Freight Committee?

Some MPOs have a freight advisory committee which typically guides freight planning efforts for a region. Members of the committee typically represent a broad spectrum of a region's freight community, its various modes, and the public and private sector. Freight committees may be comprised of representatives from freight industry organizations, trucking companies, researchers, consultants, planners, and representatives of local, regional, and State governments, among others. Freight committees vary in size and how frequently they meet, depending on the MPO. To become a freight committee member or more involved, reach out to your MPO.

Why get involved in truck parking decision making?

Truck parking shortages are a national concern causing safety and traffic issues around the country.

Federal funding can be used to address regional and State freight-related issues including truck parking. However, due to the high demand for truck parking, finding solutions requires collaboration between private industry, State departments of transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and local government.

Get involved with a MPO to improve truck parking in your region!


To find your regional MPO, please visit the Federal Highway Administration MPO Database at

For tips from fellow truck parking stakeholders, please visit:


The U.S. Department of Transportation and several stakeholder organizations established the National Coalition on Truck Parking (NCTP) in 2015. To learn more about other truck parking solutions, please visit the official website at


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Office of Operations