Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations
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Office of Operations  -  21st century operations using 21st century technologies

BUILD–RAISE–TIGER Discretionary Grants

The Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Discretionary Grant program provides a unique opportunity for the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) to invest in road, rail, transit, and port projects that promise to achieve national objectives.

Previously known as Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) and Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER), the program was first created in the 2009 Recovery Act. Beginning with the Recovery Act and continuing through the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 appropriations processes, Congress has provided USDOT with 16 rounds of competitive grants totaling nearly $14.4 billion for National Infrastructure Investments. Since 2009, the Program has provided funding to 1,096 projects in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands.  $1.5 billion for TIGER I, $585 million for TIGER II, $527 million for TIGER III, $500 million for TIGER IV, $474 million for TIGER V, $600 million for TIGER VI, $485 million for TIGER VII, $485 million for TIGER VIII, $487 million for TIGER IX, $1.5 billion for BUILD 2018, $884 million for BUILD 2019, $986 million for BUILD 2020, $983 million for RAISE 2021, over $2.2 billion for RAISE 2022, and $2.3 billion for RAISE 2023.

RAISE 24 Discretionary Grant Program (2024)

  • FY 2024 RAISE AWARD Fact Sheets (coming)
  • FY 2024 RAISE Grants Agreement Terms and Conditions (coming)
  • FY 2024 RAISE Grant Agreement Exhibits (coming)
  • FY 2024 RAISE Notice of Funding (NOFO)

RAISE 23 Discretionary Grant Program (2023)

RAISE 22 Discretionary Grant Program (2022)

RAISE 21 Discretionary Grant Program (2021)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-260, December 27, 2020) included $1 billion for National Infrastructure Investments, known as RAISE Discretionary Grants. Funds for the FY 2021 RAISE (RAISE 21) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. RAISE 21 funded a total of 90 projects (63 capital and 27 planning) in 47 states.

BUILD 20 Discretionary Grant Program (2020)

The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (Pub. L. 116-94, December 20, 2019) included $1 billion for National Infrastructure Investments, known as BUILD Discretionary Grants. As with previous rounds of BUILD and TIGER, funds for the FY 2020 BUILD (BUILD 20) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. BUILD 20 funded 58 capital construction projects and 12 planning projects in 44 states.

BUILD 19 Discretionary Grant Program (2019)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019 (Pub. L. 116-6, February 15, 2019) included $900 million for National Infrastructure Investments, known as BUILD Discretionary Grants.  As with previous rounds of BUILD and TIGER, funds for the FY 2019 BUILD (BUILD 19) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. BUILD 19 funded 55 capital construction projects in 35 states.

BUILD 18 Discretionary Grant Program (2018)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Pub. L. 115–141, March 23, 2018) included $1.5 billion for National Infrastructure Investments, known as BUILD Discretionary Grants. As with previous rounds of TIGER, funds for the FY 2018 BUILD (BUILD 18) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. BUILD 18 funded 91 capital construction projects in 49 states and the District of Columbia.

TIGER IX Discretionary Grant Program (2017)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Pub. L. 115-31, May 5, 2017) included $500 million for National Infrastructure Investments, known as TIGER Discretionary Grants. As with previous rounds of TIGER, funds for the FY 2017 TIGER (TIGER IX) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. TIGER IX funded 41 capital construction projects in 43 states and territories.

TIGER VIII Discretionary Grant Program (2016)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114-113, December 18, 2015)  included $500 million for National Infrastructure Investments, known as TIGER Discretionary Grants. As with previous rounds of TIGER, funds for the FY 2016 TIGER (TIGER VIII) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. TIGER VIII funded 40 capital construction projects in 33 states and territories .

TIGER VII Discretionary Grant Program (2015)

The Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015(Pub. L. 113-235, December 16, 2014) included $500 million for National Infrastructure Investments, known as TIGER Discretionary Grants. As with previous rounds of TIGER, funds for the FY 2015 TIGER (TIGER VII) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. TIGER VII funded 39 capital construction projects in 34 states.

TIGER VI Discretionary Grant Program (2014)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (Pub. L. 113-76, January 17, 2014) included $600 million for National Infrastructure Investments, known as TIGER Discretionary Grants. As with previous rounds of TIGER, funds for the FY 2014 TIGER (TIGER VI) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. TIGER VI funded 41 capital construction projects and 31 planning projects in 46 states.

TIGER V Discretionary Grant Program (2013)

The Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (Pub. L. 113-6, March 26, 2013) included $474 million for National Infrastructure Investments, known as TIGER Discretionary Grants. As with previous rounds of BUILD and TIGER, funds for the FY 2013 TIGER (TIGER V) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. TIGER V funded 52 capital construction projects in 37 states.

TIGER IV Discretionary Grant Program (2012)

The Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-055, November 18, 2011) included $500 million for National Infrastructure Investments, known as TIGER Discretionary Grants. As with previous rounds of TIGER, funds for the FY 2012 TIGER (TIGER IV) program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region. TIGER IV funded 47 capital construction projects in 34 states and the District of Columbia.

TIGER III Discretionary Grant Program (2011)

The Full-Year Continuing Appropriations (Division B of the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011) (Pub. L. 112-10, April 15, 2011) included $527 million for critical investments in the nation's transportation infrastructure, known as TIGER Discretionary Grants. FY 2011 TIGER (TIGER III) program projects were selected based on their ability to contribute to the long-term economic competitiveness of the nation, improve the condition of existing transportation facilities and systems, improve energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improve the safety of U.S. transportation facilities and improve the quality of living and working environments of communities through increased transportation choices and connections. The Department also focused on projects that are expected to quickly create and preserve jobs and spur rapid increases in economic activity. TIGER III funded 46 capital construction projects in 33 states and Puerto Rico.

Federal Register Notices

  • Federal Register Notice, July 1, 2011 - Interim Notice of Funding Availability for the Department of Transportation’s National Infrastructure Investments Under the Full-Year Continuing Appropriations, 2011; and Request for Comments
  • Federal Register Notice, August 12, 2011 - Notice of Funding Availability for the Department of Transportation's National Infrastructure Investments Under the Full-Year Continuing Appropriations, 2011; and Request for Comments


TIGER II Discretionary Grant Program

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for 2010 (Div. A of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010) (Pub. L. 111-117, December 16, 2009) included $600 million, available through September 30, 2012, for National Infrastructure Investments. This appropriation is similar, but not identical to the appropriation for the TIGER Discretionary Grant program authorized and implemented pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the "Recovery Act"). Because of the similarity in program structure, DOT is referring to the grants for National Infrastructure Investments as "TIGER II Discretionary Grants". As with the TIGER program, funds for the TIGER II Discretionary Grant program were awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area or a region.  TIGER II funded 42 capital construction projects and 33 planning projects in 40 states for major infrastructure projects ranging from highways and bridges to transit, rail and ports.

Transportation Projects Competitively Funded Under TIGER II

Federal Register Notices

  • June 24, 2010 - Notice of Funding Availability (TIGER II/HUD Planning Grants) for the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Challenge Planning Grants and the Department of Transportation's TIGER II Planning Grant
  • June 1, 2010 - Final Notice of Funding Availability (TIGER II Capital Grants) for the Department of Transportation's National Infrastructure Investments Under the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for 2010
  • April 26, 2010 - Interim Notice of Funding Availability for the Department of Transportation's National Infrastructure Investments Under the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for 2010; and Request for Comments

Grant Agreement Exhibits


TIGER Discretionary Grant Program

The USDOT received over 1400 applications totaling almost $60 billion for the $1.5 billion TIGER Discretionary Grant program created under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. In February 2010, 51 awards were announced for projects ranging from bridge replacements, freight rail corridor improvements, streetcar extensions, and bicycle/pedestrian networks. The largest grant award was $105 million for a multi-state freight rail project, and the average award size was $30 million.

Additional Resources and Guidance

Staff Contacts

Tim Anderson

Stacie Blizzard

Michael Cain


  Last modified: February 25, 2025  
Office of Operations