Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2013

Table 3-17. Average Truck Speeds on Selected Metropolitan Area Roadways:  2012

Analysis has shown truck speed and reliability decrease in urban areas. FHWA uses Freight Performance Measurement Program data to measure truck speeds within 14 very large Census Metropolitan Statistical Areas. In 2012, five of the fourteen metropolitan areas had average truck speeds of less than 50 mph on their Interstates.

Table 3-17

Table in Excel format

Miles per hour

Metropolitan Area Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Atlanta, GA 54.05 53.99 53.70 53.73
Boston, MA 48.35 47.93 46.95 47.31
Chicago, IL 51.96 51.66 51.44 51.75
Dallas, TX 55.96 55.65 55.86 56.05
Detroit, MI 49.98 49.43 49.45 49.15
Houston, TX 53.59 53.76 53.11 53.44
Los Angeles, CA 43.35 42.73 42.58 43.37
Miami, FL 56.74 57.09 56.75 57.12
New York, NY 51.60 50.86 50.78 50.45
Philadelphia, PA 48.56 47.52 48.10 48.11
Phoenix, AZ 57.71 57.41 57.25 57.97
San Francisco, CA 45.72 44.84 43.96 43.98
Seattle, WA 49.92 51.78 50.82 49.77
Washington, DC 55.35 53.98 53.84 54.38


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Freight Performance Measurement Program, 2013.


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  Last modified: September 23, 2019  
Office of Operations