Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2013

Figure 2-2a. Mode Share of Freight Tonnage by Distance Band: 2007

Trucks carry the largest share of goods by weight for distances less than 750 miles and more than 2,000 miles. Rail is the dominant mode for goods moved over distances greater than 750 miles and less than 2,000 miles, accounting for 37 percent of total tons moved.

Figure 2-2a

Figure 2-2a. Bar graph showing the mode share of freight tonnage by distance band for 2007.

[PDF 64KB]

Data represented in the figure.

Table in Excel format

Millions of tons

Mileage range Truck Rail Water Air Multiple Modes and Mail Pipeline Other/Unknown Total
Below 100 8,004 273 228 0 98 747 189 9,540
100-249 2,982 206 88 0 64 191 57 3,589
250-499 1,336 370 84 0 91 172 30 2,084
500-749 407 260 49 0 69 83 9 877
750-999 207 245 32 0 72 94 8 658
1,000-1,499 203 442 96 0 83 206 9 1,039
1,500-2,000 86 176 46 0 33 118 3 463
Over 2,000 110 53 32 2 58 60 12 326
Total 13,335 2,024 655 5 568 1,671 317 18,576


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Freight Analysis Framework, version 3.4, 2012.

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  Last modified: September 23, 2019  
Office of Operations