Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2012

Table 5-5b. Commercial Motor Carrier Compliance Review Activity by Type: 2008-2011

Federal and state governments also conduct shipper, cargo tank facility, and onsite comprehensive safety analysis reviews.

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Review Type 2008 2009 2010 2011
Federal State Total Federal State Total Federal State Total Federal State Total
Total Reviews 11,105 7,007 18,112 12,326 7,979 20,305 12,309 7,877 20,186 11,094 7,335 18,429
Motor Carrier Safety Compliance Reviews 9,642 5,971 15,613 10,084 6,429 16,513 8,859 5,705 14,564 4,614 3,657 8,271
Cargo Tank Facility Reviews 79 15 94 84 22 106 121 23 144 78 19 97
Shipper Reviews 293 50 343 341 38 379 310 80 390 271 61 332
Non-Rated Reviews (excludes SCR & CSA2010) 841 669 1,510 1,243 815 2,058 1,725 636 2,361 959 541 1,500
CSA Offsite 209 267 476 136 207 343 333 356 689 316 300 616
CSA Onsite Focused/Focused CR 36 29 65 260 260 520 591 615 1,206 4,324 1,903 6,227
CSA Onsite Comprehensive* 5 6 11 178 208 386 369 458 827 529 853 1,382
Total Security Contact Reviews 1,310 487 1,797 1,378 581 1,959 1,276 621 1,897 603 301 904

Key: SCR = Security Contact Reviews; CSA = Compliance, Safety, Accountability; CR = Compliance Review


These data include all compliance reviews conducted in the specified years. As a result, the total number of reviews in this table differs from the total in Table 5-5a because that table only includes reviews that reulted in a formal safety rating. A compliance review is an on-site examination of a motor carrier's records and operations to determine whether the carrier meets the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's safety fitness standard.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Administration, Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS), Compliance Review Activity by Safety Rating for Calendar Years, available at as of September 3, 2012.


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  Last modified: September 24, 2019  
Office of Operations