Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2012

Table 5-15. Current and Projected Particulate Matter (PM-10) Emissions by Freight Transportation Mode: 2002 and 2020

Trucks produced two-thirds of PM-10 emissions from the freight sector. Freight-related PM-10 emissions are forecast to decline by 50 percent from 2002 to 2020, primarily from a reduction in heavy-duty truck emissions. The required use of ULSD fuel in heavy-duty trucks and other diesel-powered highway vehicles has helped reduce PM emissions and enabled the use of advanced pollution control technologies to meet emissions standards.

Table in Excel format

Blank cell. Tons (thousands) Percent
2002 to 2020
2002 2020
Heavy-duty trucks 120.0 34.8 -71.0
Freight rail 21.3 13.0 -39.0
Commercial marine 44.0 44.1 0.2
Air freight 0.3 0.3 -10.0
Total freight 185.6 92.1 -50.4


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Assessing the Effects of Freight Movement on Air Quality at the National and Regional Level, Final Report (Washington, DC: 2005), available at as of July 16, 2012.


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  Last modified: September 24, 2019  
Office of Operations