Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2012

Tables 3-7 and 3-7M. Trucks and Truck Miles by Average Weight: 1987, 1992, 1997, and 20021

The nation's truck fleet has grown significantly in number and distance driven. Of trucks weighing more than 10,000 pounds registered to businesses, individuals, and organizations other than government, most growth has occurred at either end of the weight spectrum. Distance traveled has more than doubled between 1987 and 2002 for trucks weighing between 10,000 pounds and 26,000 pounds and for trucks weighing over 80,000 pounds. Trucks between 60,000 pounds and 80,000 pounds form the largest category in both number of trucks and vehicle miles traveled because in most cases 80,000 pounds is the maximum weight allowed on the highway system without special permits.

Table 3-7 (standard units)

Table in Excel format

Average weight (pounds) 1987 1992 1997 2002 Percent change, 1987-2002
Number (thousands) VMT (millions) Number (thousands) VMT (millions) Number (thousands) VMT (millions) Number (thousands) VMT (millions) Number VMT
Total 3,624 89,972 4,008 104,987 4,701 147,876 5,415 145,624 49.4 61.9
Light-heavy 1,030 10,768 1,259 14,012 1,436 19,815 1,914 26,256 85.9 143.8
10,001 to 14,000 525 5,440 694 8,000 819 11,502 1,142 15,186 117.6 179.2
14,001 to 16,000 242 2,738 282 2,977 316 3,951 396 5,908 63.6 115.8
16,001 to 19,500 263 2,590 282 3,035 301 4,362 376 5,161 43.2 99.3
Medium-heavy 766 7,581 732 8,143 729 10,129 910 11,766 18.8 55.2
19,501 to 26,000 766 7,581 732 8,143 729 10,129 910 11,766 18.8 55.2
Heavy-heavy 1,829 71,623 2,017 82,832 2,536 117,931 2,591 107,602 41.7 50.2
26,001 to 33,000 377 5,411 387 5,694 428 7,093 437 5,845 15.9 8.0
33,001 to 40,000 209 4,113 233 5,285 257 6,594 229 3,770 9.7 -8.4
40,001 to 50,000 292 7,625 339 9,622 400 13,078 318 6,698 9.0 -12.2
50,001 to 60,000 188 7,157 227 8,699 311 12,653 327 8,950 73.8 25.1
60,001 to 80,000 723 45,439 781 51,044 1,070 74,724 1,179 77,489 63.1 70.5
80,001 to 100,000 28 1,254 33 1,529 46 2,427 69 2,950 144.3 135.2
100,001 to 130,000 8 440 12 734 18 1,051 26 1,571 238.5 257.2
130,001 or more 4 185 5 227 6 312 6 329 43.2 77.9

Key: VMT = vehicle miles traveled

1Excludes trucks with an average weight of 10,000 pounds or less.


Weight includes the empty weight of the vehicle plus the average weight of the load carried. Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, 2002 Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey: United States, EC02TV-US (Washington, DC: 2004), available at as of August 5, 2012; U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, 1992 Truck Inventory and Use Survey: United States, TC92-T-52 (Washington, DC: 1995), available at as of August 5,2012.


Table 3-7M (metric units)

Table in Excel format

Average weight (kilograms) 1987 1992 1997 2002 Percent change, 1987-2002
Number (thousands) VKT (millions) Number (thousands) VKT (millions) Number (thousands) VKT (millions) Number (thousands) VKT (millions) Number VKT
Total 3,624 144,789 4,008 168,952 4,701 237,972 5,415 234,348 49.4 61.9
Light-heavy 1,030 17,328 1,259 22,550 1,436 31,888 1,914 42,252 85.9 143.8
4,536 to 6,350 525 8,754 694 12,874 819 18,509 1,142 24,439 117.6 179.2
6,351 to 7,257 242 4,407 282 4,791 316 6,359 396 9,508 63.6 115.8
7,258 to 8,845 263 4,168 282 4,884 301 7,020 376 8,306 43.2 99.3
Medium-heavy 766 12,200 732 13,103 729 16,301 910 18,934 18.8 55.2
8,846 to 11,793 766 12,200 732 13,103 729 16,301 910 18,934 18.8 55.2
Heavy-heavy 1,829 115,261 2,017 133,299 2,536 189,782 2,591 173,161 41.7 50.2
11,794 to 14,969 377 8,707 387 9,163 428 11,414 437 9,407 15.9 8.0
14,969 to 18,144 209 6,619 233 8,505 257 10,612 229 6,066 9.7 -8.4
18,144 to 22,680 292 12,271 339 15,484 400 21,046 318 10,778 9.0 -12.2
22,680 to 27,216 188 11,517 227 13,998 311 20,361 327 14,404 73.8 25.1
27,216 to 36,287 723 73,123 781 82,143 1,070 120,250 1,179 124,701 63.1 70.5
36,288 to 45,359 28 2,018 33 2,460 46 3,906 69 4,747 144.3 135.2
45,360 to 58,967 8 708 12 1,181 18 1,691 26 2,528 238.5 257.2
58,967 or more 4 298 5 365 6 502 6 530 43.2 77.9

Key: VKT = vehicle kilometers traveled

1Excludes trucks with an average weight of 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) or less.


1 kilometer = 0.6214 miles; 1 kilogram = 2.2046 pounds. Weight includes the empty weight of the vehicle plus the average weight of the load carried. Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, 2002 Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey: United States, EC02TV-US (Washington, DC: 2004), available at as of August 5, 2012; U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, 1992 Truck Inventory and Use Survey: United States, TC92-T-52 (Washington, DC: 1995), available at as of August 5, 2012.


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  Last modified: September 24, 2019  
Office of Operations