Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2012

Tables 3-1 and 3-1M. Miles of Infrastructure by Transportation Mode: 1990, 2000, and 2007-2009

Trade with both Canada and Mexico has grown rapidly over the past decade. Trucks carried about 59 percent of the value of goods traded with these two countries.

Since 1990, road infrastructure increased slowly despite a large increase in the volume of traffic. Over the same period, rail miles declined by 21 percent while gas pipeline mileage increased by 28 percent.

Table 3-1 (standard units)

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Blank cell. 1990 2000 2007 2008 2009
Public roads, route miles 3,866,926 3,951,101 4,048,523 4,059,343 NA
National Highway System (NHS) N 161,189 163,746 164,096 NA
Interstates 45,074 46,673 46,934 47,013 NA
Other NHS N 114,516 116,812 117,083 NA
Other N 3,789,912 3,884,775 3,895,246 NA
Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET) N 62,066 62,698 62,253 NA
Interstate N 46,675 46,937 47,013 NA
Non-Interstate N 15,389 16,031 15,240 NA
Railroad 175,909 170,512 140,134 139,326 139,118
Class I 133,189 120,597 94,313 94,082 93,921
Regional 18,375 20,978 16,930 16,690 12,804
Local 24,337 28,937 28,891 28,554 32,393
Inland waterways          
Navigable channels 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway  2,342 2,342 2,342 2,342 2,342
Oil 208,752 176,996 166,133 173,000 171,328
Gas 1,189,200 1,369,300 1,520,200 1,525,000 1,526,400

Key: N = not applicable; NA = not available


Public roads: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: annual issues), tables HM-16 and HM-49, available at as of August 30, 2012.

Rail: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts (Washington, DC: annual issues).

Navigable channels: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, A Citizen's Guide to the USACE, available at as of August 30, 2012.

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway: The St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, "The Seaway," available at as of August 30, 2012.

Oil pipelines: 1980-2000: Eno Transportation Foundation, Transportation in America, 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002); 2001-2009: U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline Statistics, available at as of August 30, 2012.

Gas pipelines: American Gas Association, Gas Facts (Arlington, VA: annual issues).


Table 3-1M (metric units)

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Blank cell. 1990 2000 2007 2008 2009
Public roads, route kilometers 6,222,926 6,358,386 6,515,164 6,532,576 NA
National Highway System (NHS) N 417,439 263,511 264,075 NA
Interstates 72,536 75,109 75,529 75,657 NA
Other NHS N 184,287 187,982 188,418 NA
Other N 6,098,989 6,251,650 6,268,500 NA
Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET) N 99,881 100,898 100,182 NA
Interstate N 75,113 75,534 75,657 NA
Non-Interstate N 24,765 25,798 24,525 NA
Railroad 283,085 274,400 225,513 224,213 223,878
Class I 214,337 194,073 151,775 151,403 151,144
Regional 29,570 33,759 27,245 26,859 20,605
Local 39,165 46,567 46,493 45,951 52,129
Inland waterways          
Navigable channels 17,702 17,702 17,702 17,702 17,702
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway  3,769 3,769 3,769 3,769 3,769
Oil 335,938 284,834 267,353 278,404 275,713
Gas 1,913,743 2,203,573 2,446,411 2,454,136 2,456,389

Key: N = not applicable; NA = not available.

Note: 1 kilometer = 0.6214 miles.


Public roads: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: annual issues), tables HM-16 and HM-49, available at as of August 30, 2012.

Rail: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts (Washington, DC: annual issues).

Navigable channels: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, A Citizen's Guide to the USACE, available at as of August 30, 2012.

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway: The St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, "The Seaway," available at as of August 30, 2012.

Oil pipelines: 1980-2000: Eno Transportation Foundation, Transportation in America, 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002). 2001-2009: U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline Statistics, available at as of August 30, 2012.

Gas pipelines: American Gas Association, Gas Facts (Arlington, VA: annual issues).


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  Last modified: September 24, 2019  
Office of Operations