Freight Facts and Figures 2012
Figure 3-1. Tonnage on Highways, Railroads, and Inland Waterways: 2007
Trucks carry most of the tonnage and value of freight in the United States, but railroads and waterways carry significant volumes over long distances. Rail moves a large volume of coal between the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and the Midwest, while the principal inland waterways movement by volume occurs along the Lower Mississippi River.
Highways: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Freight Analysis Framework, Version 3.4, 2012.
Rail: Based on Surface Transportation Board, Annual Carload Waybill Sample and rail freight flow assignments done by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Inland Waterways: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Annual Vessel Operating Activity and Lock Performance Monitoring System data, as processed for USACE by the Tennessee Valley Authority; and USACE, Institute for Water Resources, Waterborne Foreign Trade Data, Water flow asssignments done by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
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