Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2010

Tables 3-10 and 3-10M. Top 25 Airports by Landed Weight of All-Cargo Operations: 2000-20071

The Federal Aviation Administration reports that Memphis International and Anchorage International are two of the most important U.S. airports that handle all-cargo aircraft. All-cargo aircraft do not include aircraft carrying passengers as well as cargo.

Table 3-10 (standard units)

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Airport 2008 Rank Landed weight (thousands of short tons) 2000 Landed weight (thousands of short tons) 2005 Landed weight (thousands of short tons) 2006 Landed weight (thousands of short tons) 2007 Landed weight (thousands of short tons) 2008
Memphis, TN (Memphis International) 1 6,318 9,343 9,425 9,772 9,750
Anchorage, AK (Ted Stevens Anchorage International)2 2 8,084 10,364 10,588 10,562 8,976
Louisville, KY (Louisville International-Standiford Field) 3 3,987 4,591 5,015 5,216 5,223
Miami, FL (Miami International) 4 2,929 3,550 3,591 3,715 3,494
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles International) 5 2,892 2,927 3,627 3,431 2,876
Indianapolis, IN (Indianapolis International) 6 2,884 2,545 2,627 2,652 2,564
New York, NY (John F. Kennedy International) 7 2,793 2,811 2,615 2,557 2,222
Chicago, IL (O'Hare International) 8 2,062 2,412 2,208 2,201 2,103
Oakland, CA (Metropolitan Oakland International) 9 1,811 1,797 1,798 1,811 1,742
Newark, NJ (Newark Liberty International) 10 1,961 1,870 1,867 1,873 1,727
Fort Worth, TX (Dallas/Fort Worth International) 11 1,691 1,655 1,722 1,753 1,614
Ontario, CA (Ontario International) 12 1,220 1,344 1,401 1,394 1,350
Philadelphia, PA (Philadelphia International) 13 1,454 1,401 1,366 1,375 1,264
Atlanta, GA (William B. Hartsfield International) 14 1,090 1,014 1,180 1,261 1,167
Honolulu, HI (Honolulu International) 15 692 828 979 1,134 1,032
San Francisco, CA (San Francisco International) 16 1,267 797 829 1,039 775
Houston, TX (George Bush Intercontinental) 17 480 710 696 769 754
Seattle, WA (Seattle-Tacoma International) 18 1,060 709 709 691 747
Chicago/Rockford, IL (Chicago/Rockford International) 19 654 696 696 737 710
Phoenix, AZ (Sky Harbor International) 20 920 778 726 711 675
Portland, OR (Portland International) 21 882 747 730 713 656
Denver, CO (Denver International) 22 900 763 711 642 625
Minneapolis, MN (Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain) 23 622 702 620 612 562
Salt Lake City, UT (Salt Lake City International) 24 751 590 548 535 521
Boston, MA (General Edward Lawrence Logan International) 25 703 574 550 530 492
Top 25 airports3 Empty cell. 52,381 55,955 56,973 57,715 53,621
United States, all airports4 Empty cell. 74,743 76,091 76,362 76,583 71,281
Top 25 as % of U.S. total Empty cell. 70.1 73.5 74.6 75.4 75.2

1Dedicated to the exclusive transportation of cargo, all-cargo operations do not include aircraft carrying passengers that also may be carrying cargo. Aircraft landed weight is the certificated maximum gross landed weight of the aircraft as specified by the aircraft manufacturers.

2Anchorage includes a large share of all-cargo operations in-transit.

3Airport rankings change each year. Totals represent the top 25 airports for each year, not necessarily the top 25 airports listed here for 2008.

4Limited to airports with an aggregate landed weight in excess of 100 million pounds (50,000 short tons) annually.


1 short ton = 2,000 pounds.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Air Carrier Activity Information System (ACAIS) database, All-Cargo Data, available at as of July 7, 2010.


Table 3-10M (metric units)

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Airport 2008 Rank Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Memphis, TN (Memphis International) 1 5,732 8,476 8,550 8,865 8,845
Anchorage, AK (Ted Stevens Anchorage International)2 2 7,333 9,402 9,605 9,582 8,143
Louisville, KY (Louisville International-Standiford Field) 3 3,617 4,165 4,550 4,732 4,738
Miami, FL (Miami International) 4 2,657 3,221 3,258 3,370 3,170
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles International) 5 2,624 2,655 3,290 3,112 2,609
Indianapolis, IN (Indianapolis International) 6 2,616 2,309 2,383 2,406 2,326
New York, NY (John F. Kennedy International) 7 2,534 2,550 2,372 2,320 2,016
Chicago, IL (O'Hare International) 8 1,870 2,188 2,003 1,996 1,908
Oakland, CA (Metropolitan Oakland International) 9 1,643 1,631 1,631 1,643 1,580
Newark, NJ (Newark Liberty International) 10 1,779 1,697 1,694 1,700 1,566
Fort Worth, TX (Dallas/Fort Worth International) 11 1,534 1,502 1,562 1,591 1,464
Ontario, CA (Ontario International) 12 1,107 1,219 1,271 1,265 1,225
Philadelphia, PA (Philadelphia International) 13 1,319 1,271 1,239 1,248 1,146
Atlanta, GA (William B. Hartsfield International) 14 989 920 1,070 1,144 1,059
Honolulu, HI (Honolulu International) 15 628 751 888 1,028 936
San Francisco, CA (San Francisco International) 16 1,149 723 752 943 703
Houston, TX (George Bush Intercontinental) 17 435 644 631 698 684
Seattle, WA (Seattle-Tacoma International) 18 961 643 643 627 677
Chicago/Rockford, IL (Chicago/Rockford International) 19 593 632 631 669 644
Phoenix, AZ (Sky Harbor International) 20 835 706 659 645 612
Portland, OR (Portland International) 21 800 677 662 647 595
Denver, CO (Denver International) 22 817 692 645 583 567
Minneapolis, MN (Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain) 23 564 637 562 555 510
Salt Lake City, UT (Salt Lake City International) 24 681 535 497 486 473
Boston, MA (General Edward Lawrence Logan International) 25 638 521 499 481 446
Top 25 airports3 Empty cell. 47,520 50,762 51,686 52,359 48,645
United States, all airports4 Empty cell. 67,807 69,029 69,275 69,476 64,666
Top 25 as % of U.S. total Empty cell. 70.1 73.5 74.6 75.4 75.2

1Dedicated to the exclusive transportation of cargo, all-cargo operations do not include aircraft carrying passengers that also may be carrying cargo. Aircraft landed weight is the certificated maximum gross landed weight of the aircraft as specified by the aircraft manufacturers.

2Anchorage includes a large share of all-cargo operations in-transit.

3Airport rankings change each year. Totals represent the top 25 airports for each year, not necessarily the top 25 airports listed here for 2008.

4Limited to airports with an aggregate landed weight in excess of 100 million pounds (50,000 short tons) annually.


1 metric tonne = 1.1023 short tons.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Air Carrier Activity Information System (ACAIS) database, All-Cargo Data, available at as of July 7, 2010.


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  Last modified: September 24, 2019  
Office of Operations