Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2010

Tables 3-1 and 3-1M. Miles of Infrastructure by Transportation Mode: 1980-2008

Road infrastructure increased slowly over the past 28 years despite a large increase in the volume of traffic. Between 1980 and 2008, route miles of public roads increased by about 5 percent compared with a 95 percent increase in vehicle miles traveled.

Table 3-1 (standard units)

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Blank cell. 1980 1990 2000 2008 Percent change,
1980 to 2008
Public roads, route miles 3,859,837 3,866,926 3,951,101 4,059,343 5.2
National Highway System (NHS) N N 161,189 164,096 N
Interstates 41,120 45,074 46,673 47,013 14.3
Other NHS N N 114,516 117,083 N
Other N N 3,789,912 3,895,246 N
Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET) N N 62,066 62,253 N
Interstate N N 46,675 47,013 N
Non-Interstate N N 15,389 15,240 N
Railroad 1183,077 175,909 170,512 139,326 -23.9
Class I NA 133,189 120,597 94,082 N
Regional NA 18,375 20,978 16,690 N
Local NA 24,337 28,937 28,554 N
Inland waterways Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell.
Navigable channels 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 0.0
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway  2,342 2,342 2,342 2,342 0.0
Pipelines Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell.
Oil 218,393 208,752 176,996 173,000 -20.8
Gas 1,051,774 1,189,200 1,369,300 1,525,000 45.0

Key: N = not applicable; NA = not available.

1Excludes Class III railroads.


Public roads: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: annual issues), tables HM-16 and HM-49, available at as of April 20, 2010.

Rail: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts (Washington, DC: annual issues).

Navigable channels: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, A Citizen's Guide to the USACE, available at as of April 25, 2010.

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway: The St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, "The Seaway," available at as of April 25, 2010.

Oil pipelines: 1980-2000: Eno Transportation Foundation, Transportation in America, 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002). 2001-2008: U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline Statistics, available at as of April 25, 2010.

Gas pipelines: American Gas Association, Gas Facts (Arlington, VA: annual issues).


Table 3-1M (metric units)

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Blank cell. 1980 1990 2000 2008 Percent change,
1980 to 2008
Public roads, route kilometers 6,211,518 6,222,926 6,358,386 6,532,576 5.2
National Highway System (NHS) N N 417,439 264,075 N
Interstates 66,173 72,536 75,109 75,657 14.3
Other NHS N N 184,287 188,418 N
Other N N 6,098,989 6,268,500 N
Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET) N N 99,881 100,182 N
Interstate N N 75,113 75,657 N
Non-Interstate N N 24,765 24,525 N
Railroad 1294,620 283,085 274,400 224,213 -23.9
Class I NA 214,337 194,073 151,403 N
Regional NA 29,570 33,759 26,859 N
Local NA 39,165 46,567 45,951 N
Inland waterways Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell.
Navigable channels 17,702 17,702 17,702 17,702 0.0
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway  3,769 3,769 3,769 3,769 0.0
Pipelines Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell. Empty cell.
Oil 351,453 335,938 284,834 278,404 -20.8
Gas 1,692,588 1,913,743 2,203,573 2,454,136 45.0

Key: N = not applicable; NA = not available.

1Excludes Class III railroads.

Note: 1 kilometer = 0.6214 miles.


Public roads: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: annual issues), tables HM-16 and HM-49, available at as of April 20, 2010.

Rail: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts (Washington, DC: annual issues).

Navigable channels: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, A Citizen's Guide to the USACE, available at as of April 25, 2010.

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway: The St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, "The Seaway," available at as of April 25, 2010.

Oil pipelines: 1980-2000: Eno Transportation Foundation, Transportation in America, 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002). 2001-2008: U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline Statistics, available at as of April 25, 2010.

Gas pipelines: American Gas Association, Gas Facts (Arlington, VA: annual issues).


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  Last modified: September 24, 2019  
Office of Operations