Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Table 3-1M. Miles and Kilometers of Infrastructure by Transportation Mode (Historical)

Table in Excel format

empty Cell 1980 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Percent change,
Public roads, route kilometers 6,211,806 6,223,214 6,358,681 6,378,255 6,407,877 6,421,036 6,433,291 3.6
National Highway System (NHS) N N 259,409 259,782 259,972 260,393 260,968 N
Interstates 66,176 72,540 75,113 75,179 75,234 75,267 75,377 13.9
Other NHS N N 184,296 184,603 184,738 185,126 185,591 N
Freight Intermodal connectors1 N N N N 2,882 2,982 NA N
Other N N 6,099,272 6,118,473 6,147,905 6,160,644 6,172,322 N
Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET) N N 99,886 101,041 101,054 100,706 100,193 N
Interstate N N 75,116 75,184 75,232 75,274 75,377 N
Non-Interstate N N 24,766 25,857 25,822 25,432 24,816 N
Railroad 294,6342 283,098 274,412 229,546 227,547 226,819 225,704 -23.4
Class I NA 214,347 194,082 157,122 160,843 159,235 156,905 NA
Regional NA 29,572 33,761 28,065 24,217 25,183 25,172 NA
Local NA 39,167 46,570 44,358 42,487 42,401 43,628 NA
Inland waterways empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell
Navigable channels 17,703 17,703 17,703 17,703 17,703 17,703 17,703 0.0
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway 3,769 3,769 3,769 3,769 3,769 3,769 3,769 0.0
Pipelines empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell empty Cell
Oil 351,469 335,954 284,847 255,063 259,409 258,892 NA NA
Gas 1,692,666 1,913,832 2,203,675 2,210,434 2,271,428 2,292,028 2,353,344 39.0

Key: N = not applicable; NA = not available.

1Excludes intermodal connectors serving intercity bus, Amtrak, and public transit facilities.
2Excludes Class III railroads.

Note: 1 mile = 1.61 kilometers.

Sources: Public roads: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, (Washington, DC: Annual issues) table HM-16.
Intermodal connectors: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Planning, National Highway System Intermodal Connectors, available at as of July 5, 2005.
Rail: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts (Washington, DC: various issues).
Navigable channels: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway: Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System, "Seaway Facts," available at as of Jan. 26, 2006.
Oil pipelines: 1980-2002: Eno Transportation Foundation, Transportation in America, 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002). 2003: U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline Statistics, Internet site as of July 5, 2005.
Gas pipelines: American Gas Association, Gas Facts (Arlington, VA: Annual issues).

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  Last modified: May 4, 2022  
Office of Operations