Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Appendix C: Framework for a National Freight Policy Workshop Results

The Framework for a National Freight Policy workshop was designed to give meeting participants the opportunity to work together with their regional counterparts to add new strategies, tactics, and activities and modify or enhance existing elements of the framework. The caveat was that the participants had to be willing to take ownership of any added strategy, tactic, or activity.

During this workshop, participants collectively identified:

  • 2 new objectives.
  • 1 modification to an existing objective. Suggested separating safety and security (objective 6) into 2 objectives
  • 19 new strategies.
  • 29 new tactics.
  • 10 revised tactics.
  • 55 new activities.

The new and revised objectives, strategies, tactics and activities are identified on the following pages with an asterisk. Items that are revisions to existing elements of the framework are noted with the text, "this is a suggested rewrite."

Objective 1. Improve the operations of the existing freight transportation system.

Strategy 1.1. Improve management and operations of existing facilities.

  • Tactic 1.1.1. Focus on bottlenecks.
    • *Activity Input from Trucking Associations and MPOs at Freight Conference. Develop a questionnaire to be distributed to trucking associations and MPOs to local contacts identifying truck bottlenecks. Results to be discussed at state freight conference in May.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Kentucky DOT.
      • Sector: Private.
      • Mode: Highway.
      • Milestones: Develop questions – 1 week; sent through trucking associations and MPO contracts – 1 week; good return of surveys – 1 month.
      • Obstacles: Poor return rate; MPOs not having contacts; new personnel in trucking association.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Meeting with Trucking Association Director.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Will send out survey to the distribution list.
      • Resources Needed: Distribution list, Questionnaire.
    • *Activity Freight traffic management in Cranbury, NJ. Exist 8A on NJ Turnpike has extremely high truck traffic to a cluster of distribution centers. Color coded routing system developed to better direct existing traffic on road alignments.
      • Lead/Proposed by: NJDOT, Freight companies.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
      • Milestones: Assess key routes and intersections; plan routes; implement signage and educate users.
      • Obstacles: Time; collaboration efforts between private sector entities to ensure equal access opportunities and burden.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Articulation of benefits.
      • Resources Needed: Signs.
    • *Activity Identify bottlenecks across Indiana and create initial freight user report. Develop freight user reports of bottleneck areas by: identifying areas in all urban areas; identify current/best available sources of traffic data; prepare initial reports; obtain feedback from private sector; refine report and data collection process.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Jay DuMontelle, FHWA IN.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Highway, hopefully trucking.
      • Milestones: Timeline is yet to be developed; total completion by September 2007.
      • Obstacles: Agency communications between freight, planning data, traffic operations.
    • *Activity Initiate comprehensive goods movement plan. Launch a comprehensive goods movement plan for PA that will coordinate with existing regional freight plans.
      • Lead/Proposed by: PennDOT.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Contract for professional services – next 3 months.
      • Obstacles: Funding; private sector participation; institutional barriers/internal.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Promote internal awareness.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Develop uniform outline for freight planning with minimum requirements; encourage multi-jurisdictional coordination.
  • Tactic 1.1.2. Pursue information technology initiatives to improve freight operations.
    • *Activity Provide real-time information on route conditions (disruptions) for truck corridors, and recommend alternate routes. This is a promising approach (as technology emerges) to add capacity and efficiency to metro truck corridors without building additional infrastructure.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Barbara Ivanov, WSDOT.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
      • Milestones: Develop pilot (with cost estimate) for 1-2 metro centers; test pilot, apply lessons learned; roll out nationally in several phases.
      • Obstacles: To be useful, must incorporate routes (arterials and highways) and therefore be operated by multiple jurisdictions.
  • *Tactic 1.1.3. Promote equipment pooling in regions where it seems most promising. Addresses truck stop shortage in the NYC/North Jersey Region. Identify condition of existing truck stops and current and future needs. Collaborate on effort between two MPOs in different states. Implement plan once developed.
    • Lead/Proposed by: NJTPA (North Jersey MPO) and NYMTC (NYC MPO)
    • Mode: Truck
  • Tactic 1.1.4. Establish extended gate hours in regions where they seem most promising.
  • Tactic 1.1.5. Promote alternative freight capacity where market feasible (particularly for short sea shipping and short haul intermodal services).
  • *Tactic 1.1.6 Promote national freight policy.
    • Lead/Proposed by: Ohio.
      • Activity Establish a statewide freight conference. A conference to highlight and educate stakeholders and public officials about freight planning needs.
        • Lead/Proposed by: Patrick Dennis – TMACOG and Stew Sonnenberg-FHWA.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: All.
        • Milestones: Agenda; audience; logistical issues related to facilities; finalize date.
        • Obstacles: Sponsorship – who and funding.
        • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Identify appropriate sponsors.
        • Additional USDOT Actions: Sponsorship, technical assistance, support keynote presentations, facilitators.
      • *Activity Detailed review and implementation plan for National Freight Policy in Missouri. Hold a public sector (FHWA, MoDOT, MPO) work session. Capture current activities within each strategy. Update state freight coordinator role and responsibilities (formalize); identify improvement opportunities; explore freight development program concept (MDOT example); freight professional development.
        • Lead by: MoDOT.
        • Proposed by: Brian Wiler, MoDOT and Brad McMahon, FHWA MO.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: All.
        • Milestones: Completion of exercise; define freight coordinator role and responsibilities; establish freight champion at high executive level position.
        • Obstacles: Mode silos.
        • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Establish freight champion (MoDOT executive level).
        • Additional USDOT Actions: Possible facilitation of work session; technical resources; participation.
  • *Tactic 1.1.7. Improve management and operations of existing facilities. Develop freight door to door travel time real-time forecast by different modes with work zone, special events, historical travel time, etc. into consideration.
    • Lead by: FHWA.
    • Proposed by: MI.
    • Mode: All.
  • *Tactic 1.1.8. Reduce variability around mean transit times on metro truck corridors. Develop data to measure variability in primary metro truck corridors. Develop and implement solutions to reduce variability in pilot. Measure effectiveness of pilot solutions. Apply lessons learned to phase 2 of pilot(s). (This tactic is most closely tied to shipper's needs, and will drive the system to reduce shippers' costs (more than other tactics) as variability is directly related to the amount of buffer stock they need to hold.)
    • Lead/Proposed by: Barbara Ivanov, WS DOT
    • Mode: Truck
  • *Tactic 1.1.9. Provide technical assistance and formal guidance for development of state freight plans. Provide formal information regarding freight planning factors, methodology, and timeliness for development of freight plans.
    • Proposed by: Valerie Rodman, FHWA NV and Jermaine Hannon, FHWA AZ.
  • *Tactic 1.1.10. Promote the development of a national freight funding program. In next authorization, create committee and permanent funding source that would include support for a new freight transportation program, possibly in the form of competitive grants.
    • Proposed by: Valerie Rodman, FHWA NV and Jermaine Hannon, FHWA AZ.
    • Mode: All.
  • *Tactic 1.1.11. Provide national guidance for freight transportation planning. Prepare and distribute to all levels a national manual on how to conduct freight transportation planning and program project implementation.
    • Proposed by: Valerie Rodman, FHWA NV and Jermaine Hannon, FHWA AZ.
    • Mode: All.
  • *Tactic 1.1.12. Reduce total cost of transportation and logistics for freight dependant sectors as measured as a percentage of cost of goods sold (COG). Survey freight-dependent (for regions) shippers to benchmark transportation and logistics as a percentage of COG. Provide comparative analysis, region by region. (Example: Will provide ongoing, trend data to measure each region's transportation and logistics costs for manufacturing, agribusiness, construction, and wood/lumber).
    • Lead/Proposed by: Barbara Ivanov, WS DOT.
    • Mode: All.

Strategy 1.2. Maintain and preserve existing infrastructure.

  • Tactic 1.2.1. Target resources to existing intermodal connectors.
    • *Activity Develop a marine transportation plan to establish institutional and physical bottlenecks. Develop an action plan to identify existing constraints and future constraints and find public/private funding to correct/improve those constraints.
      • Lead/Proposed by: LA DOTD – Intermodal Transportation – Marine and Rail.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Water, truck, rail, highway.
      • Obstacles: Getting locals to cooperate; Public acceptance; Private involvement.
    • *Activity Bring intermodal connectors onto state highway system. Bring intermodal connectors onto state system in exchange for removing others from state system. Must be equivalent swap.
      • Lead/Proposed by: LA DOTD with support from FHWA-LA.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: Truck.
      • Obstacles: Getting locals to agree to an equitable swap. Equity may require a 10 to 1 swap on lane miles.
  • Tactic 1.2.2. Prioritize timely operations and maintenance projects for inland waterways and great lakes.
  • Tactic 1.2.3. Apply harbor maintenance tax revenues collected each year toward the intended use of maintenance dredging.
    • *Activity Initiate comprehensive goods movement plan. Launch a comprehensive goods movement plan for PA that will coordinate with existing regional freight plans.
      • Lead/Proposed by: PennDOT.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Contract for professional services – next 3 months.
      • Obstacles: Funding; private sector participation; institutional barriers/internal.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Promote internal awareness.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Develop uniform outline for freight planning with minimum requirements; encourage multi-jurisdictional coordination.
  • *Tactic 1.2.4. Target resources to reserve/rehabilitate key NHS segments (including interstate). It is critical to assure existing NHS routes (including interstate) are in good condition and well maintained so that travel times are consistent and reliable.
    • Lead/proposed by: Iowa DOT.
    • Mode: Truck.
  • *Tactic 1.2.5. Maintain existing NHS – 3R, 4R, Bridge.
    • Lead/Proposed by: Iowa DOT.

Strategy 1.3. Explore opportunities for privatization.

  • *Tactic 1.3.1. Explore and monitor greater levels of privatization on port terminal operations (or on all modes) (This is a suggested rewrite)
    • Lead: US DOT.
    • Proposed by: Florida.

Strategy 1.4. Ensure the availability of a skilled labor pool sufficient to meet transportation needs.

  • *Tactic 1.4.1. Identify and address barriers and/or opportunities to increase skilled labor pool, i.e., truck drivers, equipment operators, etc. (This is a suggested rewrite)
    • *Activity Recruit truck drivers. Invite representative of Teamsters to Construction Career Days. Annually FHWA/CDOT/Colorado Contractor sponsor Construction Career Days for high school students to introduce the students to potential careers in the construction industry. Invite Teamsters. The Construction Career Days has grown from 170 in the first year in 2003 to over 1500 in 2005 and 2006.
      • Lead/Proposed by: FHWA/CDOT/Colorado Contractor.
      • Sector: Private.
      • Mode: Highway.
      • Milestones: During planning for Construction Career Days list Teamsters as a group to invite.
      • Obstacles: Finding the right contact to attend.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Teamster participation – yes/no; or US Truck driving school.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Present it to CCD organizational group.
      • Resources Needed: None, whatever Teamsters/truck driving school can bring – i.e. large truck to show.
    • *Activity Encourage/establish programs with state community colleges/vocational schools, state job training, DBE job training programs to train and educate participants for freight related jobs. Start truck driver training early; introduce participants to freight job opportunities.
      • Sector: Joint.
    • *Activity Invite Teamsters to upcoming construction conference.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Colorado.
  • *Tactic 1.4.2. DOT workforce and contractor work force – career fair and CTRE "GO" magazine.
    • Lead/Proposed by: Iowa.

*Strategy 1.5. Explore funding opportunities for Freight.

(Reorganize federal government and flatten it to provide oversight and less stove pipe bureaucracy at the federal level (ex USCOE vs. US DOT)).

  • Lead: Federal USDOT (multimodes), COD, DOD.
  • Proposed by: FHWA TX.
    • *Tactic 1.5.1. Identify additional funding opportunities for both operations, management, and implementation of multimodal freight programs at the federal, state, and public/private sectors.

*Strategy 1.6. Create a national multimodal interagency freight transportation committee.

Develop a higher than Federal departmental level committee. It would be similar to the cabinet level committee known as the "Committee on the Marine Transportation System" that includes all modes. The lead of the committee at the staff level is the executive secretariat. The focus of the new committee is the total freight transportation system (highways, ports, waterways, air, and rail).

  • Lead: Federal modal agencies such as USDOT, Coast Guard, Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense and Department of Agriculture, AASHTO. The chairs would be rotated.
  • Proposed by: Jermaine Hannon, FHWA AZ; Valerie Rodman, FHWA NV.

*Strategy 1.7. Asset Management

True transformation of existing qualitative management systems into a dynamic systems approach where conditions can be monitored at all times and utilize performance measures to aid in decision-making. Always knowing how things stand.

  • Lead/Proposed by: NJDOT with FHWA assistance.

Objective 2. Add physical capacity to the freight transportation system in places where investment makes economic sense.

Strategy 2.1. Facilitate regionally-based solutions for freight gateways and projects of national or regional significance.

  • Tactic 2.1.1. Focus DOT attention on facilitating SAFETEA-LU-designated "Projects of National or Regional Significance" likely to generate the greatest economic returns.
    • *Activity Undertake the public-private partnership to improve the New Orleans Rail Gateway. Improve the flow of rail traffic through the New Orleans Gateway.
      • Lead/Proposed by: LA DOTD/NORPE/Six Class I Railroads/FRA.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Rail.
      • Milestones: EIS – public input; funding; design; construction.
      • Obstacles: Funding; public acceptance.
    • *Activity Begin a dialogue on formalized multi-jurisdictional freight planning and promote projects of National and Regional Significance. Establish quarterly regional forums as a mechanism for inter-regional planning.
      • Lead by: DOT to DOT and multiple metropolitan regions (i.e., PennDOT, NJDOT, DelDOT, DVRPC, SJTPO, WILMAPCO).
      • Proposed by: PennDOT and DVRPC.
      • Sector: Joint (DVRPC model of public/private partnership).
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Establish logical jurisdictional linkages; invite relevant participants; provide professional facilitation; link to important efforts like safety, the environment, and ITS.
      • Obstacles: Geo-political boundaries; funding stovepipes (by agency too).
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: State DOTs, MPOs, and FHWA to lead multi-jurisdictional coordination.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Support this effort – as is done in things like air quality and aviation where planning is done beyond traditional MPO boundaries.
      • Resources Needed: Multi-jurisdictional funding pools; demonstration projects.
    • *Activity Develop I-69. Expand capacity to move freight on interstate north and south.
      • Lead by: State DOTs.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
    • *Activity Develop I-8 Study.
      • Lead by: State DOT.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
  • *Tactic 2.1.2. Establish criteria for National or Interstate Freight System projects of national significance. (This is a suggested rewrite) Standardize definition of what is included in a strategic national freight corridor so as a uniform application is possible. Include modes in identification of criteria then apply to state's corridors. Identifying projects that modes agree with would improve opportunities for private partnership investment. Define criteria for a National or Interstate Freight System – what facilities, activities, capacities are nationally significant.
    • Lead/Proposed by: Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board; US DOT; Barbara Ivanov, WSDOT.
    • Mode: Truck, rail, water, air.
      • Activity Draft statewide framework that integrates to framework for national freight policy. Identify objectives, strategies, and tactics that are relevant to DelDOT. Communicate program within DelDOT.
        • Lead/Proposed by: DelDOT.
        • Sector: Public.
        • Milestones: DelDOT to draft framework; communication to regional agencies.
        • Obstacles: Pre-existing plans; stovepipes.
        • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Institutional barriers.
      • Activity Initiate comprehensive goods movement plan. Launch a comprehensive goods movement plan for PA that will coordinate with existing regional freight plans.
        • Lead/Proposed by: PennDOT.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: All.
        • Milestones: Contract for professional services – next 3 months.
        • Obstacles: Funding; private sector participation; institutional barriers/internal.
        • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Promote internal awareness.
        • Additional USDOT Actions: Develop uniform outline for freight planning with minimum requirements; encourage multi-jurisdictional coordination.
      • Activity CANAM East West highway corridor economic study to look at barriers to east-west trade in the corridor (study is ongoing).
        • Lead/Proposed by: ME, NH, MA – FHWA.
      • Activity Develop I-69. Expand capacity to move freight on interstate north and south.
        • Lead by: State DOTs.
        • Proposed by: TN/AR.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: Truck.
      • Activity Develop I-8 Study.
        • Lead by: State DOT.
        • Proposed by: TN/AR.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: Truck.
  • *Tactic 2.1.3. Establish Criteria for projects of national significance. (This is a suggested rewrite) Standardize definition of what is included in a strategic national freight corridor so as a uniform application is possible. Include modes in identification of criteria then apply to state's corridors. Identifying projects that modes agree with would improve opportunities for private partnership investment.
    • Lead/Proposed by: Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board.
    • Mode: Truck, rail, water, air.
      • Activity Develop I-69. Expand capacity to move freight on interstate north and south.
        • Lead by: State DOTs.
        • Proposed by: TN/AR.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: Truck.
      • Activity Develop I-8 Study.
        • Lead by: State DOT.
        • Proposed by: TN/AR.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: Truck.
  • *Tactic 2.1.4. Ensure that inland waterways trust fund revenues are used for construction of additional lock capacity where needed.
    • Activity Initiate comprehensive goods movement plan. Launch a comprehensive goods movement plan for PA that will coordinate with existing regional freight plans.
      • Lead/Proposed by: PennDOT.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Contract for professional services – next 3 months.
      • Obstacles: Funding; private sector participation; institutional barriers/internal.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Promote internal awareness.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Develop uniform outline for freight planning with minimum requirements; encourage multi-jurisdictional coordination.
  • *Tactic 2.1.5. Establish state freight coordination office in Ohio. Works to the benefit of the national freight policy. (New Administrator on board. Perhaps the time has come for state level increase in freight planning.)
    • Lead by: TMACOG/FHWA. FHWA working from mid-level/top down. TMACOG working at the MPO level to encourage statewide development.
    • Proposed by: Ohio.
    • Mode: All.

Strategy 2.2. Utilize and promote new/expanded financing tools to incentivize private sector investment in transportation projects.

  • Tactic 2.2.1. Explore tax incentives as stimuli for infrastructure construction.
    • *Activity Develop I-69. Expand capacity to move freight on interstate north and south.
      • Lead by: State DOTs.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
    • *Activity Develop I-8 Study.
      • Lead by: State DOT.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
  • *Tactic 2.2.5. Explore state level tax credits to short lines. Investigate impact of such a program on state tax revenues. Determine if onetime or multi-year/permanent break. Define what the money is to be used for by railroads (e.g. 286K upgrades, bridge reconstruction, new capacity, etc.) (At least one state (mentioned on 2/14) has already done this – ask them for a case study. What is STB's role in ensuring short lines survive as common carriers?)
    • Lead/Proposed by: Julie Rodwell, Oregon DOT.
    • Mode: Rail. It could apply to other modes but not right away.

Strategy 2.3. Explore opportunities for public-private partnerships and/or privatization.

  • Tactic 2.3.1. Facilitate public-private partnerships for the design, construction, ownership, and operation of transportation infrastructure.
    • *Activity Build a third bridge across the Mississippi River. Study building of third bridge.
      • Lead by: State DOT.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Joint.
    • *Activity Develop I-69. Expand capacity to move freight on interstate north and south.
      • Lead by: State DOTs.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
    • *Activity Develop I-8. Study.
      • Lead by: State DOT.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
  • Tactic 2.3.2. Encourage private sector institutional investment (both debt and equity) in transportation infrastructure projects.
    • *Activity Develop I-69. Expand capacity to move freight on interstate north and south.
      • Lead by: State DOTs.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
    • *Activity Develop I-8. Study.
      • Lead by: State DOT.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck

*Strategy 2.4. Define the national freight system.

We need to know what are the thresholds, by mode and facility, that put a particular item inside or outside the National freight system (truck volumes and AADTs, TEUs, tonnage, etc.). This National system is eligible for Federal funds. States take care of facilities not in national system. (Use NPIAs (National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems) as a model.)

  • Lead/Proposed by: Julie Rodwell, Oregon DOT.

*Strategy 2.5. Explore opportunities to engage public sector agencies to develop public sector operating models that mirror private sector models.

Public toll agencies have the ability to levy freely for revenues into public benefit. These agencies are constrained because of tactical issues, i.e., pressure not to raise tolls.

  • Lead/Proposed by: IBTTA, National Organizations, AASHTO.

Objective 3. Use pricing to better align all costs and benefits between users and owners of the freight system and to encourage deployment of productivity-enhancing technologies.

Strategy 3.1. Utilize public sector pricing tools.

  • Tactic 3.1.2. Implement congestion pricing pilot programs.
    • *Activity Put a mechanism in place to charge freight haulers a congestion price at over congested ports in NY/NJ and maybe Boston. By use of this congestion tax at the major ports it would encourage distributors to use the smaller ports that are lesser congested.
      • Lead/Proposed by: ME, NH, MA – FHWA.

*Strategy 3.3. Heavy vehicle mileage tax.

Use a mileage tax as the funding mechanism for user feeds. As a way to introduce this concept, introduce mileage tax of trucks on a quid pro quo basis for size and weight increases.

  • Lead/Proposed by: MN DOT.

*Strategy 3.4. Explore funding opportunities for Freight.

(Reorganize federal government and flatten it to provide oversight and less stove pipe bureaucracy at the federal level (ex USCOE vs. US DOT)).

  • Lead: Federal USDOT (multimodes), COD, DOD.
  • Proposed by: FHWA TX.
    • *Tactic 3.4.1. Identify additional funding opportunities for both operations, management, and implementation of multimodal freight programs at the federal, state, and public/private sectors.

Objective 4. Reduce or remove statutory, regulatory, and institutional barriers to improved freight transportation performance.

Strategy 4.1. Identify/inventory potential statutory, regulatory, and institutional changes (not the usual suspects or non-starters).

  • Tactic 4.1.1. Review private sector institutional arrangements for opportunities to improve freight operations.
    • *Activity FHWA Division identify a freight champion. Some one who can facilitate discussion, provide technical assistance, coordinate training, and help educate and elevate freight issues of importance in the state.
      • Lead by: Division Offices.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Management support – 3 months; assign personnel – 3 months; train personnel – 1 year.
      • Obstacles: Management support; available personnel.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Ensure adequate personnel; re-assign duties/expectations.
      • Resources Needed: Training and travel money.
  • Tactic 4.1.2. Review public sector statutes, regulations, institutional arrangements and human capital for opportunities to improve freight operations.
    • *Activity Harmonize vehicle size and weight permitting requirements in regions. DOTs in all regions identified need to meet and agree upon a standard size and weight permitting process (each region should be harmonized) to enable more efficient truck freight movement.
      • Lead/Proposed by: NE-NYSDOT/FHWA NY, Other Regions? (TBD, there may be leaders already).
      • Proposed by: Andy Davis, CN DOT; Bo Stocklin, Coast Guard; Ralph Rizzo, FHWA RI; Eloise Powell, FHWA CT.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Highway.
      • Milestones: Research existing regulations in each state in region and why regulations were enacted to begin with; regional meetings to identify opportunities to harmonize size & weight regulations; change regulations to promote more efficient movement of commercial vehicles through regions.
      • Obstacles: Each state DOT has their own regulations on size and weight; physical limitations (bridge height/weight restrictions); environmental issues; regulatory process/institutional resistance to change.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Education of size and weight issues in region; infrastructure improvements.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Facilitate regional cooperation.
      • Resources Needed: Meetings, research, coordination.
    • *Activity Develop shipper and driver identity systems to facilitate cross border movements. Make the border more visible instead of a border.
      • Lead/Proposed by: ME, NH, MA – FHWA.
    • *Activity Coordinate with CDOT Permitting Office. Formalize relationship, better coordination, involve private sector carriers.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Colorado.
    • *Activity FHWA Division identify a freight champion. Some one who can facilitate discussion, provide technical assistance, coordinate training, and help educate and elevate freight issues of importance in the state.
      • Lead by: Division Offices.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Management support – 3 months; assign personnel – 3 months; train personnel – 1 year.
      • Obstacles: Management support; available personnel.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Ensure adequate personnel; re-assign duties/expectations.
      • Resources Needed: Training and travel money.
  • Tactic 4.1.3. Encourage localities to consider freight needs in their land use decisions.
    • *Activity Creating transportation land use corridors. Pressure key transportation corridors to including all modes, for future, planed freight, industry development.
      • Lead by: State DOT/MPO.
      • Proposed by: MS.
      • Milestones: Authority to preserve transportation corridor; identify future transportation corridor; current local, MPO, State LRP not always consistent.
      • Obstacles: State legislature to authorize preservation of corridors; create state, MPO stakeholder group with industry on transportation land use.
    • *Activity FHWA Division identify a freight champion. Some one who can facilitate discussion, provide technical assistance, coordinate training, and help educate and elevate freight issues of importance in the state.
      • Lead by: Division Offices.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Management support – 3 months; assign personnel – 3 months; train personnel – 1 year.
      • Obstacles: Management support; available personnel.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Ensure adequate personnel; re-assign duties/expectations.
      • Resources Needed: Training and travel money.
  • *Tactic 4.1.4. Reduce Amtrak mileage charges to the rail industry standards in the NE Amtrak territory. It will encourage more freight railroad usage; better utilization of existing infrastructure in NE corridor. Encourage economic development in NE corridor. (Addressed in I-95 Corridor Coalition's NEROPS study.)
    • Lead by: CTDOT, RIDOT, NJDOT, NYSDOT, DelDOT, MDDOT, PennDOT, Mass Highway Dept. All organized through NASTO.
    • Proposed by: Andy Davis, CT DOT; Bo Stocklin, Coast Guard; Ralph Rizzo, FHWA RI; Eloise Powell, FHWA CT.
    • Mode: Rail.
      • Activity Draft language in Amtrak reauthorization to reduce freight rates in line with industry standards in NE. Do research, justify draft legislative language to reduce track tecs on the NEC to be in line with industry standards, thereby better utilizing existing infrastructure. Necessary to promote economic development in NE along existing rail.
        • Lead/Proposed by: NE corridor State DOTs (MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD) – NASTO.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: Rail.
        • Milestones: Do research to justify; draft language; educate Congressional delegation.
        • Obstacles: Amtrak accountability.
        • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Legislative action.
        • Additional USDOT Actions: Support research, provide support.
        • Resources Needed: Meetings, legal support.
  • *Tactic 4.1.5. Establish a freight office at the Department level. Encourage the Secretary of the USDOT to establish a freight office at the Department level. Remove the "other mode" and intermodal functions from FHWA to the new office so that the Framework can truly be multimodal. Then the modal administrations could have supporting offices to complement and implement the modal elements of intermodal solutions.
    • Lead: USDOT.
    • Proposed by: Michigan.

Strategy 4.3. Encourage regionally-based intermodal gateway responses.

  • Tactic 4.3.1. Establish DOT intermodal facilitation teams for key gateway projects.
    • *Activity FHWA Division identify a freight champion. Some one who can facilitate discussion, provide technical assistance, coordinate training, and help educate and elevate freight issues of importance in the state.
      • Lead by: Division Offices.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Management support – 3 months; assign personnel – 3 months; train personnel – 1 year.
      • Obstacles: Management support; available personnel.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Ensure adequate personnel; re-assign duties/expectations.
      • Resources Needed: Training and travel money.
  • Tactic 4.3.2. Support local or regional efforts in gateway regions (e.g., Washington state FAST corridor).
    • *Activity FHWA Division identify a freight champion. Some one who can facilitate discussion, provide technical assistance, coordinate training, and help educate and elevate freight issues of importance in the state.
      • Lead by: Division Offices.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Management support – 3 months; assign personnel – 3 months; train personnel – 1 year.
      • Obstacles: Management support; available personnel.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Ensure adequate personnel; re-assign duties/expectations.
      • Resources Needed: Training and travel money.

Strategy 4.4. Actively engage and support the establishment of international standards to facilitate freight movement.

  • Tactic 4.4.1. Promote establishment of international data standards through the International Standards Organization (ISO).
    • *Activity FHWA Division identify a freight champion. Some one who can facilitate discussion, provide technical assistance, coordinate training, and help educate and elevate freight issues of importance in the state.
      • Lead by: Division Offices.
      • Proposed by: TN/AR.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Management support – 3 months; assign personnel – 3 months; train personnel – 1 year.
      • Obstacles: Management support; available personnel.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Ensure adequate personnel; re-assign duties/expectations.
      • Resources Needed: Training and travel money.

*Strategy 4.4. AASHTO and FHWA will partner with private sector to identify and promote regional coalitions.

The greater NY/NJ/CT freight community needs a strong coalition developed to support advancement of a regional freight policy to advance operations and infrastructure across the region.

  • Lead/Proposed By: FHWA NY and NY/Nations Port.

Objective 5. Proactively identify and address emerging transportation needs.

Strategy 5.1. Develop data and analytical capacity for making future investment decisions.

  • Tactic 5.1.1 Promote adequate coverage of freight transportation in general-purpose government statistics.
    • *Activity Before developing individual freight plan all states should meet as a group to determine areas of common interest and build jointly and individually around these.
      • Lead/Proposed by: ME, NH, MA – FHWA.
  • *Tactic 5.1.2. Fully engage private sector data sources. Encourage the private sector to provide more data. Could possibly use tax incentives to freight community for additional information that can be supplied through HVUT submissions. (This is a suggested rewrite)
  • Tactic 5.1.3. Promote public sector freight professional development.
    • *Activity Develop a freight expert/facilitator. Deliberately design a formal 3 year mentoring training program for a freight professional for all modes.
      • Lead by: MD DOT.
      • Proposed by: Baltimore MPO.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Set up DOT 2 year to 3 year loaned executive plan, "Inter concept".
      • Obstacles: Cost of job for 2–3 years.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Assure the train professional with stay with the state government.
    • *Activity Work with AASHTO to set up a conference to develop a freight education outreach program and material. Bring together local, state, federal and AASHTO specialists on freight for a 3 day working group to develop written electronic educational materials that can be used with public groups, in house government groups, to increase awareness and understanding of freight.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Daniel Kuhn, UDOT.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Obstacles: Travel funding to bring in representatives; funding to mass produce handouts, videos, etc.
  • *Tactic 5.1.4. Improve analytical tools (e.g. Freight Analysis Framework, Freight Model Improvement Program) and establish a freight cooperative research program. (This is a suggested rewrite)
    • *Activity Develop street smart freight cars. Know what will and will not change modes. Tool is a human resource that avoids bad decisions on potential modal diversion.
      • Lead by: States.
      • Proposed by: MD.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Obstacles: Stupidity and false assumptions on what will divert.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: NHCRP 0842 Guidebook.
    • *Activity Develop in-state and through corridor data and forecasting models. Coordinate various WYDOT units that now collect needed data with analytical tools to report needs. Make analytical tools available for freight planning use.
      • Lead/Proposed by: WYDOT Planning.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: Truck/Highway.
    • *Activity Work with model Users Group. Convene subcommittee to review freight data needs. Longer term potential to coordinate with WYDOT and NFRMPO.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Colorado.
    • *Activity TTI is working on freight performance measures – focus on actual route/movement.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Texas.
  • *Tactic 5.1.5. Assess need to develop statewide model.
    • Lead/Proposed by: South Dakota.

Strategy 5.2. Conduct freight-related research and development.

  • Tactic 5.2.1. Ensure that public sector research and development places a sufficient emphasis on freight-related projects.
    • *Activity Proactively identify and address emerging transportation needs. Last freight study was conducted in 1979 and included only Fayette County, now the MPO has 2 counties.
      • Lead by: MPO.
      • Proposed by: Louisiana.
      • Mode: All except water.
      • Obstacles: State approval; available funding.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Work program.
    • *Activity Involve departments of economic development in freight issues and decisions. Economies must link – have businesses "scream" for freight needs.
      • Lead by: States.
      • Proposed by: MD.
  • Tactic 5.2.2. Fully utilize the Transportation Research Board's National Cooperative Freight Research Program.
    • *Activity Get smart, grow, feeding table. Attend and learn from TRB, go to meetings, bring something home, brief and communicate to others at the DOT.
      • Lead by: State DOTs.
      • Proposed by: MD.
  • *Tactic 5.2.3. Establish/create State Freight Policy and conduct Freight Study. This would be a formal process for State DOTs to take and would include "Establish a Freight Study" activity.
    • Proposed by: KDOT/Wisconsin.
      • *Activity Establish a freight study. To get understanding of freight issues of all modes, including costs, to be able to do outreach to shippers and carriers, to serve as a basis for state's freight policy, strategies, tactics, and actions.
        • Lead/Proposed by: WS DOT, KDOT.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: All.
        • Milestones: Budget approved for freight study (2008); do study – 1 – 1.5 years 2010; identify tactics and strategies – issues; communicate results to legislature.
        • Obstacles: Buy in from management so that this activity is recognized as a priority at the state DOT level; bring everyone up to speed internally; engage private sector.
        • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Finding the right staff mix; meet with all relevant planners and engineers to get policy from within changed. Included in FDM (our facilities development manual).
        • Additional USDOT Actions: Communicating freight issues to Executives in each state DOT and a summary of the freight story.
  • *Tactic 5.2.4. Develop short term (1-5 years) Freight Action Plans. Develop short term investment proposals and funding strategies and short term institutional barriers removal to increase freight mobility fast. (The freight shippers and carriers are facing daily rapid growth and change and are impatient with what seems to them to be endless government debate, analysis, and procrastination. The Toledo MPO booklet given out yesterday is a good example of a call to action. In Oregon we need an action plan for the 2009 legislative session where stakeholders plan to discuss freight/transportation finance.)
    • Lead/Proposed by: Julie Rodwell, Oregon DOT.
  • *Tactic 5.2.5. Create alternative long range freight forecasts. Many exogenous factors suggest that continued long range freight growth in the 2.7% to 3% per year range is unrealistic. There are some reasons – a)fossil fuel depletion, cost, supply difficulties; b)growing Asian economies using up more of the manufactured goods those people create; c)US balance of trade deficit growing to between $600 and $700 billion or over $2000 in 2006 for every person in the US – not sustainable; d)ownership of much US debt by foreign entities; e)global population rising from 6.5 billion today to 106 by mid century – all wanting US standard of living and being aware of it; f)less discretionary income in US as costs for basics – fuel, construction materials – increase dramatically. Incorrect long term freight forecasts will lead to incorrect freight investments; we need to explore the realism of the currently popular forecasts.
    • Lead/Proposed by: Julie Rodwell, Oregon DOT.
    • Modes: All.

Strategy 5.3. Maintain dialogue between and among public and private sector freight stakeholders.

  • Tactic 5.3.1. Coordinate freight policy strategies and tactics with the work of the SAFETEA-LU-mandated commission(s): the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission and the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission.
    • *Activity Hold a regional freight conference. May 15, 2007 in Frankfurt, KY.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Kentucky – State/FHWA.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Getting speakers; getting facilities.
      • Obstacles: Providing food for conferences; attendance by private sector (trucking and rail).
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Working with trucking, river ports, rail; working with local freight fraternities.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Pay for food at conferences.
      • Resources Needed: Stronger relation with private sector.
  • Tactic 5.3.2. Increase public sector awareness of trends in private sector freight operations and investment.
    • *Activity Hold a regional freight conference. May 15, 2007 in Frankfurt, KY.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Kentucky – State/FHWA.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Getting speakers; getting facilities.
      • Obstacles: Providing food for conferences; attendance by private sector (trucking and rail).
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Working with trucking, river ports, rail; working with local freight fraternities.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Pay for food at conferences.
      • Resources Needed: Stronger relation with private sector.
    • *Activity Get smart, grow, feeding table. Attend and learn from TRB, go to meetings, bring something home, brief and communicate to others at the DOT.
      • Lead by: State DOTs.
      • Proposed by: MD.
  • Tactic 5.3.3. Strengthen interagency dialogue (DOT, DOD, EPA, DOL, Corps of Engineers, etc.) on freight issues.
    • *Activity Hold a regional freight conference. May 15, 2007 in Frankfurt, KY.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Kentucky – State/FHWA.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Getting speakers; getting facilities.
      • Obstacles: Providing food for conferences; attendance by private sector (trucking and rail).
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Working with trucking, river ports, rail; working with local freight fraternities.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Pay for food at conferences.
      • Resources Needed: Stronger relation with private sector.
    • *Activity CANAM East West highway corridor economic study to look at barriers to east-west trade in the corridor (study is ongoing).
      • Lead/Proposed by: ME, NH, MA – FHWA.
  • Tactic 5.3.4. Continue dialogue between DOT and stakeholder associations (AASHTO, TRB, Waterfront Coalition, AAR, ATA, etc.).
    • *Activity Hold a regional freight conference. May 15, 2007 in Frankfurt, KY.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Kentucky – State/FHWA.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Getting speakers; getting facilities.
      • Obstacles: Providing food for conferences; attendance by private sector (trucking and rail).
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Working with trucking, river ports, rail; working with local freight fraternities.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Pay for food at conferences.
      • Resources Needed: Stronger relation with private sector.
  • *Tactic 5.3.5. Encourage the establishment of freight stakeholder boards. (This is a suggested rewrite)
    • *Activity Hold a regional freight conference. May 15, 2007 in Frankfurt, KY.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Kentucky – State/FHWA.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Getting speakers; getting facilities.
      • Obstacles: Providing food for conferences; attendance by private sector (trucking and rail).
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Working with trucking, river ports, rail; working with local freight fraternities.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Pay for food at conferences.
      • Resources Needed: Stronger relation with private sector.
  • Tactic 5.3.6. Raise awareness of best practices for freight operations and investment.
    • *Activity Hold a regional freight conference. May 15, 2007 in Frankfurt, KY.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Kentucky – State/FHWA.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: All.
      • Milestones: Getting speakers; getting facilities.
      • Obstacles: Providing food for conferences; attendance by private sector (trucking and rail).
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Working with trucking, river ports, rail; working with local freight fraternities.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Pay for food at conferences.
      • Resources Needed: Stronger relation with private sector.

Strategy 5.4. Make public sector institutional arrangements more responsive.

  • Tactic 5.4.1. Adopt fast track/streamlined planning/environmental processes.
    • *Activity Consolidate data and analysis tools to focus on freight needs. Using data and analysis tools in a more responsive manner to describe freight needs and concerns.
      • Lead/Proposed by: WYDOT Planning Management.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: Highway, truck, rail.
      • Milestones: GIS capability/maps; private sector survey (24 hours); statewide freight modeling.
      • Obstacles: Development of analytical tools; internal cooperation and policy.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Individual cooperation.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Training/technical assistance.
      • Resources Needed: Focused activity and problem descriptions.
  • Tactic 5.4.3. Incorporate goods movement into public sector transportation planning.
    • *Activity Consolidate data and analysis tools to focus on freight needs. Using data and analysis tools in a more responsive manner to describe freight needs and concerns.
      • Lead/Proposed by: WYDOT Planning Management.
      • Sector: Public.
      • Mode: Highway, truck, rail.
      • Milestones: GIS capability/maps; private sector survey (24 hours); statewide freight modeling.
      • Obstacles: Development of analytical tools; internal cooperation and policy.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Individual cooperation.
      • Additional USDOT Actions: Training/technical assistance.
      • Resources Needed: Focused activity and problem descriptions

*Strategy 5.5. National freight system identification.

The key major regional and national corridors and major terminals (ports, etc.) that make up the National Freight Transportation System should be identified. This work should be conducted as part of a bottom-up process, based by the State DOT and MPO inputs. Component elements of this "system" would be the basis for discretionary funding of freight improvements.

  • Lead: USDOT (FHWA), with States and MPOs.
  • Proposed by: Richard Nordahl, CA DOT.
    • Tactic 5.5.1. Establish in Federal legislation the National Freight System and/or the Interstate Freight System. Eisenhower called for and got the Interstate Highway System. ISTEA operated the National Highway System that identified nationally and regionally significant highways. We need that for freight.
      • Lead: FHWA/AASHTO.
      • Proposed by: FHWA WA.

*Strategy 5.6. Take a regional approach to developing and educating public policy about freight.

Hold forum featuring Congressional leadership from MN/ND/SD/WS to address regional transportation needs specifically I-90, 94 corridor, intermodal rail capacity, shippers.

  • Lead/Proposed by: MNDOT with University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Study.

*Strategy 5.7. Determine freight customer (shippers & carriers) performance requirements and develop and implement solutions to meet their requirements.

(This is fundamental. Without this strategy, there is no way to know what the goal of the freight system is, or to measure progress toward the goal(s).).

  • Lead/Proposed by: Barbara Ivanov, WSDOT.

*Strategy 5.8. Develop separate freight investment program.

A separate freight investment program should be established. This program should be supported by a national user fee that would not penalize any one region. All funds raised should be firewalled, reserved, and allocated for discretionary freight projects.

  • Lead: USDOT.
  • Proposed by: Richard Nordahl, CA DOT.

*Strategy 5.9. Develop a national freight planning policy.

Develop and establish basic guidelines for freight activities at the state and local level, i.e., freight planning, freight plans, etc.

  • Lead: FHWA.
  • Proposed by: Utah.

*Strategy 5.10. Develop statewide freight plan/operating policy.

Improve/develop the analytical tools that identify in-state facility concerns and the thru-corridor freight concerns (GIS).

  • Lead/Proposed by: WYDOT Planning.

*Strategy 5.11. Asset Management.

True transformation of existing qualitative management systems into a dynamic systems approach where conditions can be monitored at all times and utilize performance measures to aid in decision-making. Always knowing how things stand.

  • Lead/Proposed by: NJDOT with FHWA assistance.

Objective 6. Maximize the safety and security of the freight transportation system.

Strategy 6.1. Ensure a balanced approach to security and efficiency in all freight initiatives.

  • *Tactic 6.1.2. At ports of entry, inspection stations, and weight stations implement monitoring scanners to detect hazardous materials, radioactive materials, and explosives.
    • Proposed by: Valerie Rodman, FHWA NV and Jermaine Hannon, FHWA AZ.
    • Modes: All.

Strategy 6.2. Preserve redundant capacity for security and reliability.

  • *Tactic 6.2.2. Assess economic impacts of critical freight facilities and corridors.
    • Lead/Proposed by: Barbara Ivanov, WS DOT.
    • Mode: All.

*Strategy 6.4. Ensure the safety and security of highway users and freight.

Ensures the safety of highway users by providing ways to add long term parking for truck drivers and their security at those long term parking facilities as well as the security of their loads while at those facilities.

  • Lead by: Federal, State, and private stakeholders.
  • Proposed by: VA.
    • *Tactic 6.4.1. Establish a program for long-term truck parking facilities along the NHS. (Includes both on and off highway).
      • Proposed by: VA.
      • Mode: Truck.
        • *Activity Establish minimum standards for site layout design and design of lighting and cameras at LTTP Facilities.
          • Lead/Proposed by: VA.
        • *Activity Establish the requirements of the design of long-term truck parking facilities.
          • Lead/Proposed by: VA.
        • *Activity Develop an outreach program to local jurisdictions to build support.
          • Proposed by: VA.
          • Mode: Truck.
        • *Activity Establish performance measures for long term parking/rest areas.
          • Proposed by: VA.
          • Mode: Truck.
        • *Activity Encourage the development of vehicle information infrastructure.
          • Proposed by: VA.
          • Sector: Joint.
          • Mode: Truck.
        • *Activity Establish a supply/demand formula for long term parking needs. Long term parking is in demand, not by the mere presence of trucks, but the presence of long haul interim parking/rest needs.
          • Proposed by: VA.
          • Sector: Joint.
          • Mode: Truck.
          • Resources Needed: Private sector involvement (survey); data analysis (Transearch).
        • *Activity Establish a methodology for the need for long-term parking.
          • Proposed by: VA.
          • Mode: Truck.
        • *Activity Inventory existing long term parking facilities.
          • Proposed by: VA.
          • Mode: Truck.
    • *Tactic 6.4.2. Establish minimum standards for design of site layout, lighting, and surveillance cameras at new facilities.

*Strategy 6.5. Develop a national plan for a resilient freight system.

(Resiliency is defined as ability to restore service after disruptions (earthquakes, terrorism, weather-related, labor, etc.)).

  • Lead/proposed by: Barbara Ivanov, WSDOT.

*Strategy 6.6. Monitor the safety of freight transport both globally and domestically.

  • Lead by: Policy set by the Interagency Freight Transportation Committee and implementation by Federal modal departments and divisions.
  • Proposed by: Valerie Rodman, FHWA NV.

*Strategy 6.7. Maximize the safety and security of the freight transportation system.

(See Virginia write up for safety and security discussion on rest stops.)

  • Lead/Proposed by: FHWA.

Objective 7. Mitigate and better manage the environmental, health, energy, and community impacts of freight transportation.

Strategy 7.1. Pursue pollution reduction technologies and operations.

  • Tactic 7.1.1. Promote idle reduction opportunities.
    • *Activity Establish programs to provide low cost loans to truck companies to add idle reduction/emission reduction equipment. Create state or multi state low cost loan program to facilitate smaller financially limited trucking companies or owner/operators to add idle reduction using possibly state infrastructure bank and/or CMAQ funds. Modeled on Oregon DOT's Cascade Sierra Program.
      • Lead by: State/Multi-State.
      • Sector: Joint.
      • Mode: Truck.
      • Milestones: Create partnership; allocate funding.
      • Obstacles: Requires approval to use SIB funds or CMAQ from State, Federal, MPO; need private third party or public agency to be front for technology; FHWA and EPA need to support and incentivize and off set fuel tax loss.
      • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Provide incentives to states to undertake, i.e., encourage EPA to "extra credit" states for all No2 reductions.
  • Tactic 7.1.2. Pursue new diesel technologies.
    • *Activity Work with Wal-Mart in their desire to increase mpg for their fleet and how other fleets in the region can learn from this.
      • Lead/Proposed by: ME, NH, MA – FHWA.

Strategy 7.2. Pursue investments to mitigate environmental, health, and community transportation impacts.

  • *Tactic 7.2.3. Pursue grade separations. (This is a suggested rewrite) Identify locations by consistent criteria, provide federal partnership funding as part of a larger package (recognizing many grade separations are in small communities that are asked to pay for projects but for whom there is little benefit in constructing the project.
    • Lead/Proposed by: Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board.
    • Mode: Mostly road/rail but could include water routes and bridges.
  • *Tactic 7.2.5. Develop a marketing and education campaign targeting community leaders. Involve local leaders and educate them on the advantages, benefits and impacts that the movement of freight has on their community.
    • Lead by: State DOT/MPOs/Federal/AASHTO.
    • Proposed by: MS.
    • Mode: All.
      • *Activity Targeted individual education (newly elected officials). Targeted at newly elected officials. Constantly updated information packet. Highlight cities that are doing a good job.
        • Lead by: State/MPOs.
        • Proposed by: MS.
        • Sector: Public.
        • Mode: All.
        • Milestones: Gather freight data and statistics on industry jobs and financial impact.
      • *Activity Speak at local meetings. This would entail speaking at local meetings such as Rotary, Lions Clubs (civic organizations) also local government meetings, MPOs, Chamber of Commerce, business organizations.
        • Lead by: State.
        • Proposed by: MS.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: All.
        • Milestones: This activity should take place prior to or as part of the planning phase of projects.
        • Obstacles: Having someone delegated to coordinate and plan the speaking events.
        • Measures to Overcome Obstacles: Receiving support from the lead agencies.
        • Additional USDOT Actions: Supply data and information for the presentations.
        • Resources Needed: Human resources and information.
      • *Activity Create a media campaign (ads, billboards, web, paper inserts, etc.). Freight information brochures/packets – mail these, make available at local meetings. Another intent of this activity is to educate and involve the public in persuading local officials on the importance of freight to their community. Possibly have some type of local champion award where a mayor/local official has done an outstanding job in partnering with us.
        • Lead by: State/MPOs.
        • Proposed by: MS.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: All.
      • *Activity Include freight topics on agendas of national mayors conferences. State primary objective and anticipated results. Provide impact studies from other areas that include safety issues, financial impact, and time management.
        • Lead by: FHWA/State/Industry.
        • Proposed by: MS.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: All.
        • Milestones: Create joint task groups to educate and facilitate public awareness and local impact.
      • *Activity Seek assistance from industry leaders in education process. Educate industry leaders (owners, managers, developers) of the need for transportation improvements, their role in education and encouraging officials. Encourage their interaction with officials.
        • Lead by: State/MPOs.
        • Proposed by: MS.
        • Sector: Joint.
        • Mode: All.
        • Milestones: Create relationship with industry leaders; educate industry leaders of needs; educate industry leaders of possible vision; encourage industry leaders to interact with local officials.

Strategy 7.3. Promote adaptive reuse of brownfields and dredge material.

  • Tactic 7.3.1. Pursue opportunities for adaptive reuse of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) facilities or brownfields sites.
    • *Activity State Plan for BRAC Growth. Some are net gainers like MD.

Strategy 7.5. Pursue energy conservation strategies and alternative fuels in freight operations.

  • *Tactic 7.5.1. Support the 21st Century Truck Program initiative between the DOE and truck manufacturers. (This is a suggested rewrite)
  • *Tactic 7.5.2. Support research efforts on alternative fuels for all modes.
    • Lead by: USDOT.
    • Proposed by: Florida.

*Objective 8. Maximize the safety of the freight transportation system.

*Strategy 8.1. Pursue recommendations of State Highway Safety Plan.

Relate the SHSP within the freight transportation system. Coordinate with Governor's Highway Safety Office.

  • Lead/Proposed by: GDOT, FHWA, MPOs, Gov. Highway Safety Office.
    • *Tactic 8.1.1. Promote safe driving within the freight industry. Educational and awareness.
      • Lead/Proposed by: Governor's Highway Safety Office, FHWA, Trucking Industry.
      • Mode: Truck, rail grade crossing (multimodal).
        • *Activity Develop a public relations campaign. Develop a catchy slogan; align with various financial resources through sponsorships.
          • Lead/Proposed by: Governor's Highway Safety Office; GDOT.
          • Sector: Private motor carriers and general public.
          • Mode: Primarily highway, but multimodal.
          • Milestones: Ongoing with quarterly measures (track accidents).
          • Obstacles: Funding; coordination between public/private sectors.
          • Additional USDOT Actions: Coordinate with NHTSA.

*Objective 9. Enhance Freight Education

*Strategy 9.1. Develop a freight education program.

Videos/DVDs, PowerPoint, brochures, displays, for use in educating stakeholders (other government/private sector/public service groups/school groups). Develop tools that can be used with the local rotary club, foreign trade association, chamber of commerce, to educate them on what is freight, why is freight important, what needs to be done to improve freight movement locally, regionally, and nationally.

  • Lead by: AASHTO/US DOT (working with carriers, industry, etc.), ATA, AAR, Port associations, air cargo carriers, etc.
  • Proposed by: Utah DOT and CA DOT.

*Indicates new or revised objective, strategy, tactic, or activity.

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