Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Extended Descriptions: Simplified Guide to the Incident Command System for Transportation Professionals

Exhibit 4-2: Example Memorandum of Understanding

Multi-Jurisdictional Memorandum of Understanding

Highway Incident Management Plan

This memorandum of understanding is made by and between all federal, state, county and city responders to a highway incident in the grerater Hampton Roads area (represented by signatures listed).

The purpose of this plan is to set forth guidance for response to a highway incident in this multi-jurisdictional area.

It is understood that each responding jurisdictional agency has its own set of operating guidelines and procedures. It is also agreed that each juridictional agency recognizes and will implement the Unified Command System should a situation occur that requires such action. This will be accomplished without any agency losting or abdicating authority, responsibility or accountability.

By way of signature, agency representatives agree to implement the plan through training of their personnel.

________________       _____________________
(Name)                        Date

Source: Hampton Roads Highway Incident Management Committee

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Exhibit 4-5: Example Joint Operations Policy on ICS

Policy: WSP and WSDOT Agree to use the Incident Command System (ICS) for all highway incidents and disaster management activities that warrant its use.

In the event of an incident necessitating emergent response on a ferry or at a terminal, WSF will use the ICS as the response organization. The ICS will be set up in the WSF EOC at the Colman Dock in Seattle.

Roles: WSP will provide joint agency and industry ICS training to facilitate communication and accomplishment of joint objectives.

Source: Washington State Patrol and Washington State Department of Transportation

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Office of Operations