Photos of cars on freeway, speeding sign

Freeway Management and Operations Handbook

Description of Figure 8-6: Directional Peaks Potentially Mitigated by Reversible Lanes

This screen shot shows a graph of the estimated traffic demand for the George Massey Tunnel. Vehicles per 5 minutes are shown on the vertical axis, ranging from 0 to 600 vehicles. Time-of-day is shown on the horizontal axis, ranging from 13:00 to 20:00 hours.

Plots are shown for northbound and southbound traffic, estimates for both directions, and capacity for both directions. A legend identifies the colors used for these six plots. Capacity is the same for both northbound and southbound traffic (300 vehicles), except during the afternoon peak period (15:40 to 18:00), when the use of a reversible lane increases the southbound capacity, with a corresponding decrease in northbound capacity, to accommodate the increased southbound flow.