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Abbreviation Description
4TsTolling, Transit, Telecommuting, and Technology
APCAutomatic passenger counter
ARBAir Resource Board
AVLAutomatic vehicle location
AVOAverage vehicle occupancy
BARTBay Area Rapid Transit
CBACost benefit analysis
COTM Contract Officer Technical Manager
CO2Carbon dioxide
CRDCongestion Reduction Demonstration
CUTRCenter for Urban Transportation Research
CVOCommercial vehicle operator
DMS Dynamic Message Sign
DOE Department of Environment
EJEnvironmental justice
FHWAFederal Highway Administration
FTAFederal Transit Administration
GGBHTDGolden Gate Bridge and Highway Transportation District
GPS Global positioning system
HOT High occupancy toll
HOV High occupancy vehicle
ISP Information service provider
ITSIntelligent transportation systems
ITS JPOIntelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office
MAPS Mobility, Access and Pricing Study
MOE Measure of effectiveness
MOVES Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator
MTC Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Muni San Francisco Municipal Railway
NEFNational Evaluation Framework
NOxNitrogen oxide
PMParticulate matter
PMTPerson miles traveled
PMZParking management zone
PTPerson throughput
RFPRequest for Proposal
RITAResearch and Innovative Technology Administration
SF-CHAMPSan Francisco Chained Activity Modeling Process
SFCTASan Francisco County Transportation Agency
SFMTASan Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Authority
SOVSingle-occupant vehicle
TAZTravel Analysis Zone
TEPTransportation Effectiveness Program
TDMTravel demand management
TRIPSTransportation Information Planning Support
TTITexas Transportation Institute
UPAUrban Partnership Agreement
U.S. DOTU.S. Department of Transportation
VOCVolatile organic compounds
VMTVehicle miles traveled
VTVehicle trips